Seeking Quality Storage for Day To Day


Well-Known Member
If anyone knows of some cool cases in witch one could store the cannabis I spoke daily (not jars we keep for curing and longer storage). Something with a nice screen to catch keif.
Most I see on the web are so small. I want something the I can roll, cut up a nice joint while holding some pre rolls and another section for whatever.

Any input would be great...


Well-Known Member
Keif box.

Under the lid is a high micron silk screen that allows the finest keif to fall through. Under that is a mirror that slides out, which catches the keif.

scrape it up and smoke it. I don't recommend using scissors over it though, drop them and you got a hole in your screen.


Well-Known Member
Most head shops should have kief boxes sunny. Used to use the Hell outta mine. It got old and raggedy so I no longer use it.


Well-Known Member
Their web site is "sketchy" but also not working properly...I wanted the surface area (screened not solid) big enough to set a few buds while prepping.


Well-Known Member
Just google 'rolling tray' like I did. Looks like they are being sold everywhere so I'd do a price comparison first. Also, in the future if you see something posted you want to investigate you can drag and drop an image into Google Images now, to match it to content elsewhere.

Wolf Productions (YAY!) seem to have made theirs the most standardized, iconic sort of design. Many more seem to have imitated it. I'm sure there's a bunch of different sizes and configurations. From the picture it looks like you can slot things in a nd out at your leisure, too.

If I buy myself one, I'm going to get my woodburner and put some patterns in it, maybe a big wolf like my avatar. I could burn/engrave some for you guys too maybe.. They only offer logo printing with an minimum order for promotional purposes.

Oh, and many of you have the necessary skills to make one, I'm sure. I did good in wood shop but I don't have the tools. Maybe we should have a rolling tray making contest/ultimate stash box making contest.

Oh god, it comes in pink.. WANT! And just a little box with a kief tray for at home. I realize how much kief gets wasted in my canisters.

And Mike and Naomi you might have to just make something or stick a tray under a silk screen (used for t shirt printing) if you want large surface area. It makes sense if you're handling alot of buds and the kief is just going all over your carpet, wasted :(

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
i buy chinese food and reused the seal-able containers they use for wanton soup. got like 30 of them lol. you can buy them for cheap, Tupperware also works wonders.


Well-Known Member
Is silkscreen 220 microns? I Know how I want to contruct mine, and can get everything from the craft store. Just unsure of the silkscreen being quality enough for my favorite Sutherland.


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Well-Known Member
Keif box.
I got one'a those... bought it to dry sift, but dry sift fucking sucks without dry ice or a tumbler... wish they made it air tight, then I'd keep my 'current smoke' buds in it. Wonder if I could make a little rubber gasket and line the top edge with it... that would seal it up pretty close to air tight overall...


Well-Known Member
Those Wolf boxes are bad ass... 80 bucks plus shipping for the biggest one, that's really not bad at all for the level of craftsmanship that looks to be involved.

I don't really roll much. It would be neat to have something that was both a kief box and also had little storage areas like that though.