seltzer water?? when should i spray and or when can i spray??


like the title says...when should i start spraying?? veg? or flower? my plants are about 7 inches..started the nutes 2 days ago. yes i am using dwc. only have 2 wonder woman plants atm n will be gettin more.. any help is MUCH appreciated :weed:


Active Member
High Times mentions this in an article this month (just hit newsstands). The article is about the writer's recollection of breeding Trainwreck with something else to get Chernobyl (forgot the second one). In the article he says you should spray very little in the flowering stage or mold will set in. He talks about mold a few times in the article because the Chernobyl bud is highly resistant to mold (this is his claim which I assume is accurate).

I don't have any hands on experience however.


say if u cant use co2.. use the seltzer water.. 3 times a day...if u get tonic water or that other shit u will get carbonated water with sodium benzoate and shit like that.....NOT WHAT U WANT.. seltzer is nothing but carbonated water...nothing else added to it..guy i watched sprayed under the leaves so they wouldnt get burnt...just lookin for people who have experiance with the water really...
Ahhh, neat. Duh, I wasn't even thinking about the co2, just thought it was some crazy experiment.

Well this reply should re-bump your question. Hope someone has your answer.


Active Member
Mabey nobody that has read your post has been useing seltzer for whatever...Use the search function dude...then read everything you can about it and if you still need help then just say that you have used the search function and have had no luck finding what you need.....then someone may come by to help....but I never expect help......


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a good idea, that will work.
Mist the leaves after the lights go off, water and co2 will be absorbed by plant :D
Kinda like a foliage nute spray


New Member
Ok, first off, use NON salted seltzer or soda water. Spray as much as you like as long as you have a fan on simulating a good breeze in there. The reason your going to spray UNDER the leaves is because

A- leaves take IN co2 from the bottom and push o2 out the top of the leaf.

B- bugs hang out under leaves and they hate water!!

You do not mist the leaves with the light off, this is when leaves are also emitting co2 as well as oxygen. Misting with no air movement or inadequate air movement can cause mold.


Well-Known Member
I do mist with the lights off. Do you spray your plants?
I have, and not only would it be impossible to mist only the bottoms of the leaves,
spraying with the lights on will heat burn the shit outta your plants.
Well it did mine.


New Member
If you leave the water on there YES it will burn them, you need a fan moving some air to make sure there is no standing droplets on the leaves, everything should soak in or evaporate within a minute or two tops. depending on your set up it may be difficult to spray the bottom of the leaves, on mine its not.


no i can spray the bottoms..i just needed to kno everything u just said touchet lol thanks alot and thanks to u too pwizzle..also i have 2 fans on 4 plants so it doesnt get hot under my 400w mh...they are really really close to flowering stage. another 3-5 days and ill be switching them..cant wait to spray!! my babies are monsters already :)