Sensi Seeds - JACK HERER


Well-Known Member
your stuffs looking good bro! yeah i'd give them a couple more weeks also, they'll fatten up a lot more.


Well-Known Member
there looking fantastic! :) whats it smelling like in there? bet your getting high off the smell alone! lol nice grow mate.

happy growing!!


Well-Known Member
looking great snow white! as always, the clones are looking good two, how long have they been flowering now? and is you indica pheno'd one considerably smaller than the other two, it a little had for me to tell, still all of them have those very nic lookin sativa leaves :D
Cheers Jolly. Clones are 2.5 weeks I think, approcahing 3. Yeah, the indica one is my shortest at around 80cm. 2nd tallest is about 90-100cm, and if I had not bent and tied down the tallest most stretchy one, she would be 120cm easily, maybe more. I kept the clones under control a bit more by topping them, so they have multiple tops/colas, so we'll just have to wait and see how they turn out and respond to this treatment. So far so good.

your stuffs looking good bro! yeah i'd give them a couple more weeks also, they'll fatten up a lot more.
Thanks lvjay, that's what I'm hoping :mrgreen: The wait is killing me though!

there looking fantastic! :) whats it smelling like in there? bet your getting high off the smell alone! lol nice grow mate.

happy growing!!
Hey zed, thanks for stopping by man. Much appreciated. The girls smell amazing when I move the plants around and a branch gets knocked, sweet skunky, hazy loveliness. Or if I touch the buds and smell my fingers, so nice and sticky, but I really try not to do that too much!


Well-Known Member
Oner more pic taken from yesterday, but cropped and true size, for a lovely close up on one of my lower nugs! :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
Thanks Nat :)

well, funny you should say that, because.......:roll:

The very lowest 2 branches were hardly getting any light now cos my clones are bushing up and getting big, so I 'trimmed' them off yesterday. You know, to focus more energy on the bigger buds! ;)

They are crap and not mature and fluffy, but sticky and stinky none the less. I have them drying in my box now, so I reckon after 48 hours or so, I'll be able to bust one of them up in my grinder and have an early sample!

But the other lower nugs are much more dense and are getting close to being properly done. This time next week I'm hoping!


Well-Known Member
wow those are looking amazing
ive wanted to grow JH for awhile now didnt get seeds when i should have last time but i think i will get them for sure the next time =D
good job man


Well-Known Member
hey snow!, just thinking about the jack makes my mouth water.... ;)

check out my new grow tell me what you think!
happy grow matey :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks mouth is watering for these Jacks as well man. Just can't wait for them to be done. Sure thing, I'll check out your grow!


Well-Known Member
hey snow white, whats the magnification on the up close pic that was taken? i need to get me one of those to check my crystals for harvest.


Well-Known Member
Hey folks...thanks for the comments.

lvjay, the close up is just from my 8.1MP camera with the macro setting enabled, which allows focusing from just 1cm away. I then just cropped it using Microsoft Picture Manager, so that the main part of the bud pic would fit on my screen in true size at full resolution. No real magnifcation, just a close up macro picture and some cropping to make it fit.