Sensi skunk first grow (picts)


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,

this is my first post as well as my first grow :)

I'm growing on soil 8 regular seeds of Sensi Skunk, started on a pre-fertilized mix. My lighting consist in one lamp of 400w HPS Grow & Flow from Agrolite the area is 1,20M x 1,20M x 2,0M grow tent also have a carbon filter and a 100w 230m3/h extractor that i'm not using at the time because don't have odor problems (yet!:twisted:) and because i leave the tent opened for air circulation, also leave the window of the room that the tent is always opened so i also get fresh air in the room and 2 small fans.

So i started on a 18/6 light cycle a week ago (i let them germinate on Sun light in a clone box for 2 weeks). Inside my grow tent the temperature is 27º/ 30ºC and usually around 42% to 54% of humidity in day time and 20ºC and a humidity rounding 62% - 70% by night time

For watering: once in the morning every 3 days i started with tap water but after i tested the PH i stop using it because it was to alkaline rounded the 8,5 so instead i use bottled water, for now! that has a stable PH level; so the first 2 weeks they got tap water and a week ago i started with bottled water

The Nutrients/fertilizers i got are Sensi Grow A+B (for veg. state) and High Yield kit later for flowering all from Nutrients Advance. I still haven't started with the nutrient supply because the plants are still 3 weeks old and i think the soil can manage the nut. supply for the early weeks of the plant life

so now i have some questions:

• i'm i over watering them?

• the leafs are rounded down (not flat and stretch up)?

• the light is hanged 60cm above the plants is it ok?

• they are growing in a 1lt. vase and i have 5,5lt. vases when shoud i repot them

• when can i start nut. them?

Thanx in advance and hope to get some help, feel free to comment in any other subject u fell like



Active Member
• i'm i over watering them?

• the leafs are rounded down (not flat and stretch up)?

• the light is hanged 60cm above the plants is it ok?

• they are growing in a 1lt. vase and i have 5,5lt. vases when shoud i repot them

• when can i start nut. them?

With no other info, yes, I would assume you're over watering. How often do you water them?

Probably just over watering...

Yes, that should be fine. The plants aren't stretching, so you're good.

I transplant as soon as I start flowering, and once more halfway through it.

Start feeding them nutes 30 days in, using only a fourth of what the instructions tell you to use. From there, slowly increase the amount.