Sensi Star and White Russian

Man o' the green

Active Member
Top view of WR transparent background, and a view of all seedlings that have survived. 7 WR out of 11 seeds. Lost both the free feminized seeds. Ugly looking unknown sativa sprouts on the right (bagseed), I would like to get 3-4 good plants and hope for a female. My success with seeds has been less than ideal. I will be happy to get to cloning instead, much better success rate, like 100%. ( almost )
ok, time to bongsmilie


Man o' the green

Active Member
All 12 survived the cloning phase and rooted quite well. They are well into veg now 24/0, 2x90w (red) 4x45w (blue) CFL. I've spread things out so only the SS is in the grow box. Two views, one from the door, the other showing all plants from inside.


Your plants look really good. How you make that :P
I wish my little seedling would look like yours...But im so far away from that. I think i do/did something wrong.

Man o' the green

Active Member
The sensi star clones in veg need more rootspace, so I've added large grodan blocks and saucers. (12)
Made up a bucket of ph 5.5 water and pre-soaked the blocks. Then just set the small blocks on the large ones, and apply some nute solution to the top. The roots should expand into the new block within the week and bind them together.



This is looking good, I look forward to seeing the final results.
Props on the 10-year old seeds, you should try breeding if they work out nicely.

Man o' the green

Active Member
I had given some thought to keeping this last "male" WR plant to pollinate my others, and make some new seeds, however it ended up in the trash today. It started to show female flowers at the top.
So, what I've learned :
1 ) True hermaphrodites ( not forced or stressed ) will show by having male pollen sacs develop first then followed by the female flowers on top, shortly afterwords.
2) Seeds created by hermie pollen will likely generate more hermies.
3) This plant is of no use to me. Not even enough to smoke.
Attached : side view ( male ), top view ( female )



Well-Known Member
I had given some thought to keeping this last "male" WR plant to pollinate my others, and make some new seeds, however it ended up in the trash today. It started to show female flowers at the top.
So, what I've learned :
1 ) True hermaphrodites ( not forced or stressed ) will show by having male pollen sacs develop first then followed by the female flowers on top, shortly afterwords.
2) Seeds created by hermie pollen will likely generate more hermies.
3) This plant is of no use to me. Not even enough to smoke.
Attached : side view ( male ), top view ( female )
That green algae on your cubes is really really bad, algae can eat through the stem where it joins the medium.

When you use rockwool you have to have covers for the cubes so that light doesn't get to the cube and produce algae.

Heres a couple of shots of one of my russians growing them in a rockwool cube much like yourself


Man o' the green

Active Member
So I was thinking that the performance of the seeds I bought was very good with quite vigorous growth, but my long-lived SS girls may not be the best they can be. I was reading something about how long a cloned plant can last, and was wondering if that could be a problem here, since the clone line is probably 20 cuts on. Only one way to determine this, order some new SS seeds. I'm always up for a new experiment. But, this will not be, there is no available Sensi Star at the moment ... so I will make do with "Super Star", a SS x SS cross as an improved hybrid. Not exactly what I wanted, but if it goes well, it could easily replace my current stock.
While I have an order in, I might as well get another strain to play with, and I selected Chocolope. I was looking for a more sativa dominant plant with shorter flowering.

Delta 9 Labs : Super Star : 5 Regular
DNA Genetics : Chocolope : 6 Regular

I also got 3 freebies when i ordered from attitude, which I will describe later. Used "420" for 10% off.
Will post again when I get the seeds.


Man o' the green

Active Member
Yes, it's a sad day when you have to cut, particularly when its just a little too early. I looked back at my posts and realized I wasn't keeping track of the weeks very well, and am currently going through flowering week 7. I have a few reasons for cutting today, all of which I won't go into, but my main reason ( that i will claim ) is that they "looked right". Most of the leaves dead, plants falling over, 2/3 amber. I know - "you could have had so much more bud man" - and this is probably correct.
Anyway, it took me an hour or so of slow work to take the plants apart. First trim and dry, we shall see how it goes getting those leafhoppers to leave and die. I do have a few dozen of those bastards covering the walls of the room now, since they have no plants to enjoy. Trying to figure out the best way to destroy them without chemicals. Maybe use the vacuum ? I could just empty the room and let them die after a few days, but I hate to idle the room when its so much more efficient than the grow box, and those plants are really squeezed in there. I will have to think about this.
The leafhoppers in the drying room ( also known as a bathroom ) should go to the night light like last time and leave my flowers alone. Now what remains is pointed down, in the dark, with the exhaust fan on.

time to relax and have a smoke ... bongsmilie


Active Member
My first expereince with the White Russian strain has been a good one... short to medium height that packs on the buds.... when dried the smoke is a pleasant not to harsh and provides good pain relief and a cerebral high with it.... certainly not the couch lock knock you on your ass chronic strain that I have, but enjoyable during the day...

Man o' the green

Active Member
Now we complete the cycle. Old plants drying, new plants ready for the final veg. Room clean again. Yes, makes me feel good, except for the fucking bugs. Won't be able to eliminate them, but i took down their numbers.
This should be the last full room of the original SS if all goes as planned, the next set is rooting now, 6 SS and 6 WR clones ready to go. I'm worried about their slow rooting, and may have to re-clone, will find out in the next week.
Now in the grow room : 12 SS, 5 WR, and 2 BS ( likely a sativa dom ) . The WR and BS are re-vegging, since i haven't had the veg space and have been keeping them alive under 12/12 for a couple weeks. Yeah, they are flowering. We shall see if I shock them.
I'm going to do 24/0 for a while at 300w x 2 ( dimmer, yeah ). That should increase their lumens by about 2x from what it was in the box.
Pictured are :
1) bugs, 2) empty room, 3,4) drying, 12 hr 5,6) 20x 7,8 ) new plants


Man o' the green

Active Member
This was part of another thread, a poll I created, but i liked this particular question and answer and wanted to record it here.

Originally Posted by DubsFan
Just noticed you are doing a hand water rockwool grow. How are you watering them?

I have a couple of methods, both involve a 5-6 gallon bucket with a spigot. In the one case i mix up nutes and fill up individual gallon jugs for watering. Another method is with a hose attached to the bucket, to the plants, by hand. Both are somewhat labor-intensive. Each plant uses about a gallon of water every 6 days, so I have to make at least 4 gallons every other day. I typically do :
veg -> nutes,nutes,water repeat
flower -> nutes,water,water repeat
- unless there is an imbalance. Soak every other day which allows it to get dry enough in between. I use local hard water and add ph-down to correct it.

Man o' the green

Active Member
Just thought I would like to give an update on the current situation.
1) Seeds came from attitude today about 12 days. but they were just what i was expecting.
2) Check out the grow room now with the new clones. Look familiar ? I put them on 12/12 on monday, 3 days ago
3) Check out ALL the bud I got from my last grow. What is that like 1 mg per watt ? Must be a record.
4) Clones are a rootin ( 6 SS + 6 WR ) Must get them into larger rockwool immediately.

I put up a poll to see what people thought about flowering time. Even though there was no consensus, i decided to go the middle way and start flowering now.

