Setup orientation help


Active Member
Hey all, I'm currently growing in my entertainment center's cabinet, and i'm faced with a bunch of challenges. First of all, here's the entertainment center:

As you can see, light leak is obviously one of the problems. the door is one of those push-in-and-the-magnet-clicks-and-pops-out kind of doors. And its glass. I just stuck an old eminem poster in there so you didnt see the cardboard and emergency blanket. Here's a drawing I made to give you a rough idea of what I have going on.

Top is for growing, and bottom is for misc. I want to turn this into a hydro grow, so I want to use the bottom for the res. It's about 1'3 from the floor, and 1'6 wide and deep. I also have two of those holes that cables are supposed to run through in the back, i'm going to hook fans up there.


Active Member
Oops. Too high. xD

I forgot to ask.

How would I set a hydro grow up?

I care most about simplicity, budget, and overall production isn't a big deal. I'm not picky about my bud, as long as it grows, i'm happy. I have 4 CFL's beating down on my plants as we speak, but they're in inconvenient pots and soil is fucking MESSY.

And. . .

No, thats it. . .