Sex life

nug thug

Like this very much. Cute little mental movie formulated to your words...
Of course I find myself reminded by my actions that everything is just a phase and nothing truly lasts forever.

It reminds me of a discussion my friend and I recently had. It was about a day that I was suspended from high school some time ago.

I decided to take a kayak down to the back inlet of the bay. I figured I would paddle out to the harbor mouth, some 16 miles away. When I got the kayak to the end of the sand spit, I got out and took a long moment to immerse my body in the warm sand.
"What a wonderful day!" I exclaimed publicly.
Hardly anyone was around, but I took note of a couple: it was a beautiful young blonde women with a man. They were walking my way and they smile and waved as they came closer. Their row boat was some two dozen feet from my kayak and I watched as they rowed to their sail boat.

This all happened when I was single. It made me especially jealous. Here was a man with his beau with a sail boat in the harbor and a row boat to spend his days on shore with her, all the while my sexual life was currently limited to jerking off!

So I later analyzed this with my friend who is currently in a transition with his current girlfriend. She was at first quite the mantle-piece, as we have dubbed her, and the idealizations were actualizing at a phenomenal rate! He was very excited with the stellar young lady in his life, but slowly he began to realize that she, in short, "doesn't read books," mean, "if they don't own books, don't fuck them,"-it's just a symptom of a greater issue. So, now he feels trapped. So it made me wonder about the man and his sail boat.

At one time, that man and his sail boat sincerely needed a mate, a female to make his days brighter and his nights warm and softer. When I saw him, he appeared to be in a stellar state of mind. However, what appears to be is not always be. Inside, he could have felt tormented and trapped by a women that seduces his desires easily while he cannot connect on other levels. I'll never know for certain, but by now he could even be the the lonesome state of solitude after a hypothetical bout in which he decided he finally needed her out of his life.

You never know, you may want something one moment, and then be sick of it the next! To me, the man and his boat embodies both the desire to have a mate, the joy of having one, the urge to rid himself of her, and the feeling of solitude when he misses the warmth they shared-or at least this is my fourth dimensional minds-eye approach to it.

Quite the tangent I went off on!


Active Member
Hard to find a good toking girl. Although I wouldn't write off a girl with kids or for her weight unless she was way out of control.
kisses to you. even though Im married with a kid and weigh 125lbs but still kisses to you sweet man