Sexing question - is this a male?


Legal Moderator, Esq.
Yeap, ya got yourself a male there. Sorry for that, if you want, you can always store the pods when they ripen and keep the pollen in case you want to pollinate a plant in the future. Put them in an RX bottle.


Thanks for the confirmation, hopefully the other is female. I'll post a pic when I see something change with it...


Pulled him out of the bloom room... Big bummer.. Any idea what the chance is to get a male vs a female? Is it like 50/50?


Active Member
Yup 50/50 is about right,but, the chances are 50/50 per seed on what you get. I have 4 going right now and they all turned out female.


Active Member
Really jamsde???? Epic handle. BALLS BRO. Sorry about the sacks. Waiting on my BB to show signs as well. Bout to tie back those monster stems.