Sexing Via Smell, is it possible?


Active Member
Hello fellow stoners,

ever since i was little, i always associated everything via smell. (no I'm not blind, i just like knowing what stuff smells like.) so, this morning, on my routine check up of my seedling (currently a week old today) i decided to smell my plant. theres a real strong grass smell with a hint of dank. at first i thought i was still dreaming but after my morning coffee and "wake and bake" i decided to go check on my week old baby. i smelled it again and thats when i knew I wasn't dreaming. My plant has a faint dank smell to it at just a week old.

I just want to know if its possible to sex via smell. Do both males and females smell the same? (obvious noob here)

any help or opinion is appreciated (trolling isn't)

is it possible to sex via smell?

stay high people


Well-Known Member
Never heard of it myself, but I haven't seen that question asked before either............
Interesting, but I don't think so.


Active Member
I have 2 other plants who are about a day old. After a week, ill see if there's a difference or not. In about a month, we will see if i was right or not.

I hope its the same for all strains. different strains are more pungent than others. bah sounds like a fail but i'm going to try it anyway


Active Member
I believe the original question i'm asking directly correlates to your conundrum.

*smokes a bowl*

Yes it is my happy friend


no, i dont think its possible to detect sex via smell, i could be wrong on this one as i have no scientific evidence to back this statement up, but i would bet a few bucks that its not possible, some plants smelll diff. some smell alike, its mostly strain related i think, I beleive the reason it smells like a 'skunk' to begin with is an evolutionary trait so predators would be less inclined to eat them but again, this is just my opinion with not much evidence to back it up, later friend


Active Member
I always appreciate different opinions. I, too, believe exactly what you do, but i am a man of science. Better to see if it is plausible or not.


Well-Known Member
My opinion?

Fast-growing seedlings (of either gender) can give off a pretty distinct "cannabis" scent. I don't think that means much.

Is it possible that sexually immature seedling male and female plants have different smells? I doubt it, but it might be possible.

Is it possible for a human being to reliably distinguish the difference, with a variety of strains? I *strongly* doubt it.

Even if this were possible, it probably wouldn't be possible until RIGHT before the plants started to show pre-flowers, which would mean that in practice, it wouldnt be helpful because the plants would shortly be showing gender externally anyway.


Active Member
Is it possible for a human being to reliably distinguish the difference, with a variety of strains? I *strongly* doubt it.
I was thinking the exact same thing.

Honestly, there are too many strains and too many variables to solidly confirm the smelling factor. And since this is my first grow, I am completely unaware of how any type of cannabis strain smells while in either veg or flowering stages. I think I will just smell these and see what they come out to.

I'll also start a catalog of different strains and smells when I start growing foreals

Edit: This is random Bagseed


Well-Known Member
males and females have certain falvors/smells that are more commonly found on either sex.

but at the same time, you can get those smells/flavors on both. so its impossible to confirm sex this way.


Well-Known Member
And since this is my first grow, I am completely unaware of how any type of cannabis strain smells while in either veg or flowering stages.

Well, I think it was mentioned above, but even small seedlings can throw off a pretty distinct "skunky" smell when you put your nose right up to them. That's normal.

I've never been able to discern a difference between male and female seedlings by smell, and lets face it, if that were really possible, with the hundreds of thousands of people growing millions of plants for thousands of years all over the planet, don't you think someone would have noticed by now?

Edit: This is random Bagseed
The bag came from somewhere, right? So its not "random", really, you just don't know its origins.

If your bag has seeds in it, its most likely outdoor grown, and its most likely commercially grown. Statistically speaking, if you're in the USA, your 'random bagseed' is most likely Mexican grown commercial weed, aka "brickweed" illegally smuggled into the USA. This usually looks like crumbled bits of hard/dense yellow-brown weed.

Contrary to what some may think, these plants can be quite good when grown to maturity, typically a good bit better than the quality of the stuff in the bag they came from.


Active Member
I just read a thread where the person took the fan leave from both sexes and smoked them (gross, I know). this person said that the leaf from the male's was completely unsmokable as compared to the female (which didnt taste as bad, but still gross).

But, being the scientific man that I am (and a little help from someone who posted on his thread), I thought the experiment was contaminated due to the fact that he KNEW which fan leaf came from which plant, thus affecting his unbiased decision.

anyone willing to take one for the team, you should smoke them blindfolded. Let your friend pack the bowl for you, not telling you which one it was from.

And I know that I can grow a better quality bud than what I had smoked. :D


Well-Known Member
I believe the original question i'm asking directly correlates to your conundrum.

*smokes a bowl*

Yes it is my happy friend
Oh hell no. Talk normally. We know you don't talk like this for real, that's evident in your first post in this thread.


Active Member
Lol, I'm sorry but thats how I type. so used to writing research papers that I sometimes add perfect punctuation as well as sophisticated language. excuse me for being a lazy genius :D

obvious joke is obvious

Just trying to make everyone a little less ignorant, everyday. Just because you're a stoner doesn't mean you have to be dumb :)


Well-Known Member
Lol, I'm sorry but thats how I type. so used to writing research papers that I sometimes add perfect punctuation as well as sophisticated language. excuse me for being a lazy genius :D

obvious joke is obvious

Just trying to make everyone a little less ignorant, everyday. Just because you're a stoner doesn't mean you have to be dumb :)
True, but still it's nice to see a newb thread without all the shorthand like it was a text.