Shady's draw winner


Well-Known Member
Didn't have any more submissions to the draw so decided to finish it early.

The winner is Shhmokey, congrats!

I won't be doing anymore draws on here as RIU can't accept Canadian companies as vendors/advertisers. Not gonna make a big deal out of it as they did refund me for two months of being an advertisers so that was nice of them.

Not to make this a spam post but I'll be doing more draws through my FB/Twitter pages. I got one lined up for March 1st. and


Well-Known Member
no Canadian adverts?????
was there any reasoning for this.? Just curious?
you would thinks adverts would be sorta universally accepted.
also when you consider the amount of draw to the Canadian medical section...of this board.....
It would kinda look like we hold our own around here.....
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