shall I trim and zoom in


Well-Known Member

0james0New Member
I'm 4 weeks into flower, the plant is going well, getting a bit bushy in places now, so going to give it a trim this weekend.

I've been thinking today. Should I move my light closer? They have grown well, no stretch at all, they are pretty low thanks to topping and tying, but my light feels far away, I can get my hand much, much closer than the top of the bud is before it feels hot.

So would it be advisable to trim the leafs and get the light in closer to give the bud sights maximum light for the next 4 weeks or so? Obviously without going so close I bleach or burn the bud.

I'd always though that the amount of light hitting leafs is what effects bud size, but since going with lights, I'm now thinking that maybe bud size is in proportion to amount of light hitting the bud. Can any one clear that up?


Well-Known Member
also, there is chlorophyll in buds. Any part of the plant that is green has chlorophyll and can convert light to sugars. But the leaves are specially designed for this function so they are the plant's main solar panels.


Active Member
Hats really helpful, I'm about 34 inches away from my 600w hps which seemed like miles away, but actually is not too much further away than it needs to be.

I have the light on a chain so I think I will lower it 10 inches.

Also not going to trim anything, more green stuff for light to hit can only mean more food to buds, so bigger buds, that's my theory from reading