She beat it!


Well-Known Member
Most of us have received news at some point that has reduced us to tears of happiness. Today has been one of those days!

My friend called me to say that she has received the all clear for her stomach cancer. She found out in January and is 42 years old. She's been a complete little (5') soldier and I'm so proud of her 'glass half full' attitude.

I wanted to share this to bring hope to people who are/know people going through cancer. She was lucky as she had visible symptoms and her diagnosis was early.

Stay positive! She beat it! :)


Well-Known Member
Most of us have received news at some point that has reduced us to tears of happiness. Today has been one of those days!

My friend called me to say that she has received the all clear for her stomach cancer. She found out in January and is 42 years old. She's been a complete little (5') soldier and I'm so proud of her 'glass half full' attitude.

I wanted to share this to bring hope to people who are/know people going through cancer. She was lucky as she had visible symptoms and her diagnosis was early.

Stay positive! She beat it! :)