Shitty roommates?


Well-Known Member
Gotta keep the grow on the down low for sure, also get your paperwork and all that like c2g said don't give anybody room for failure also choose your roommates carefully. Reminds me of why I like to live by myself. Sometimes my family being around is too much.


Well-Known Member
Yeah all the pointing and laughing can get a bit loud at times. Frankly there are times when I think a nice moat to surround my computer enclosure would work well.
Yea I always say I'm bout to dig a big hole and hide in it. I enjoy my alone time a lot. Especially after being gone for years and having to move back where I grew up.( moms sick and needs help) on the other hand have to take the good with the bad. It wouldn't be life it was cut plain and simple!


Staff member
roomates are stupid i hadf them once never again
heres what makes sense though
rent is split in half and so are bills, such as lights , and water . though i do suppose is 1 person is running a full fledged grow room the other person who is NOT shouldnt have to pay for that

as for food bills, those should be separate , you guys are adults buy your own food

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
It would not be difficult to calculate out how much your hps bulb is actually costing you. Make sure to count other things that run specifically for the grow room (fans, pumps, ac) and use the post julias posted as guidance if you don't know how to do it.

Also ditch the fucking room mates and ditch the 150 watt bulb. Get your ass a couple of 1,000 watt hps bulbs and sit back and enjoy life with no room mates. You'll get more cash from your crop that you will some dead beat room mates willing to split a place with you and your gf.


Active Member
I guess a little info for you guys though the answer is obvious.
Ive known him about 6 years, my girlfriend has known him maybe a year.
He sells a lot of pot, I sell none, he doesn't even sell my bud because its simply for smoking, and its not all that much (the reason for the 150w).
Neither of them have jobs and they never leave the house so everything is on all the time.
And the fact that he sells weighs out the fact that I grow, I can stop growing if I get hot, I have plenty of money to last, but if he stops selling he stops living.
The main reason we live together is I have shit on my record from recently and places aren't thrilled about renting to just me, and my girlfriend has shit credit so we needed someone with no criminal background and good credit.
At this point though I think im gonna buy a piece of shit house on the beach and just throw money at it until im broke or its beautiful.


Well-Known Member
I guess a little info for you guys though the answer is obvious.
Ive known him about 6 years, my girlfriend has known him maybe a year.
He sells a lot of pot, I sell none, he doesn't even sell my bud because its simply for smoking, and its not all that much (the reason for the 150w).
Neither of them have jobs and they never leave the house so everything is on all the time.
And the fact that he sells weighs out the fact that I grow, I can stop growing if I get hot, I have plenty of money to last, but if he stops selling he stops living.
The main reason we live together is I have shit on my record from recently and places aren't thrilled about renting to just me, and my girlfriend has shit credit so we needed someone with no criminal background and good credit.
At this point though I think im gonna buy a piece of shit house on the beach and just throw money at it until im broke or its beautiful.
dude mistakes were made but you can always bounce back! I feel your on the right track considering getting away from them.

you def know what not to look for in roommates now! Just make sure you set guidelines down so your household operates fluently. You all have to work as a team to make it work!


Well-Known Member
I guess a little info for you guys though the answer is obvious.
Ive known him about 6 years, my girlfriend has known him maybe a year.
He sells a lot of pot, I sell none, he doesn't even sell my bud because its simply for smoking, and its not all that much (the reason for the 150w).
Neither of them have jobs and they never leave the house so everything is on all the time.
And the fact that he sells weighs out the fact that I grow, I can stop growing if I get hot, I have plenty of money to last, but if he stops selling he stops living.
The main reason we live together is I have shit on my record from recently and places aren't thrilled about renting to just me, and my girlfriend has shit credit so we needed someone with no criminal background and good credit.
At this point though I think im gonna buy a piece of shit house on the beach and just throw money at it until im broke or its beautiful.

I literally JUST moved into a POS 1 br apartment because my roommate totally screwed me over. Don't worry, you're not the only one ending up with shitty roomates... I've had more than my fair share.

My most recent roommate (and best friend... sort of former best friend now :() got in a stupid little tiff with my boyfriend (of 6 years) about 2 months ago and told me that she's either going to move out or he's going to have to spend less time at the apartment. He already helped with the electric bill, and he and I paid fully for the cable/internet... and she still bitched. So, to avoid confrontation, I started spending more time with him at his place but he still came over occasionally... duh, he's my boyfriend... we like to spend the night with each other every now and then lol. But apparently by that she meant she didn't want to see him over there at ALL... it got to the point where we'd come home and she would immediately leave the apt, slamming doors and being super passive aggressive. So, she moved out, and left me with a $750 monthly rent PLUS $170 in utilities, AND I had to find a new 1 br apt and therefore pay the deposit and monthly rent for that property all at the same time. So, I was living off the security deposit on my old place... and went over half the month, so I started using her half the deposit... which I personally think is fair because she screwed me over. But she said I'm "stealing her money" and now I owe her about $275 and she thinks I'm a really shitty friend. Hm.

But anyways, I'm so glad to be living on my own... I also had another roommate that had a dog (a 6 month old pit/lab with a TON of energy) that she would literally leave in a crate and forget she existed. I had to take her out, buy her food, and eventually called ASPCA on her ass and they cited her... sure wish they had taken her dog when they had the chance, poor thing. I have NO tolerance for people that don't take care of the animals... nevermind being an overall shitty roommate, leaving used condoms and pissed on pregnancy tests on the freakin' FLOOR.

But yeah... get a 1br asap... that's my two cents.

Sorry for the rant, I'm kinda stoned lol...


Active Member
Is it just my girlfriend and I or do we just move in with the shittiest people?
So weve been living with this couple for about a month and a half now and we got our first set of big 4 person bills.
They were cheaper than I expected and I was happy to pay half and I left them sitting on the counter for my roommate.
He comes home and flips a shit about how expensive they are and how he cant afford them and how my 150w HPS is costing us 300$ a month to run (lol yeah ok) but he was just talking about buying a 400$ Mobius.
So now he wants me to pay half the rent, all the electric bill, the cable bill, and the water bill.
This is our second set of roommates, our first was this kid we were friends with for a short time who offered to pay one or two of the cheapest bills and buy groceries but in three months couldnt make rent.
Is it just us?
Share your stories so I feel better.
Dont run your light for a month show him the difference and then tell him to man up


Active Member
I know what you mean on this thread, living with a douche roommate myself, when he found out I considered growing, the douche in him came out of the closet, only because I would always buy our smoke from his supplier, and he would smoke for free, and when I considered doing it I stopped smoking and supplying him. He had to buy his own smoke and did not want to share, which was ok, because I had quit for personal reasons, and to consider growing I needed the cash to buy supplies. Now he pretty much knows if I grow something don't come around asking for any. Word of advice don't grow with trash and you won't grow green trash. Dude wanted to complain about the light bill as well, showed him the kilo watt hour price and the cost it would take me to run my setup if I did grow, dude just stayed quit, I know it won't be for long though lol. I should grow my own but I rather not knowing how much of a douche this dude really is, I just keep to myself now, buy from my own supplier and smoke on my own :))))

It's funny how some people worry about getting raided or caught growing, but never think about how much more likely they will get caught going out every 3 days or so to buy an 8th on the streets. Last time I checked the cops were out, not in.