Short question on cfl!


Active Member
to my knowledge its just the outside of the bulbs painted that color, but not 100% sure as to whether or not they actually output in those specific spectrums...i just use cool white cfls for veg and warm white for flower and it works well enough.


:peace::peace:3500 - 6000k = cool white for veg, 2700 - 3000k = warm white for flower :peace::peace:
ok im confused. 35-6k for veg. that means 6.000 lumens right? Well why would I downgrade to 3k for flower? i thought in the flower stage u need more light? help.
No not lumens it's the kelvin scale if ure talking lumens u want 1600 at least per bulb. And don't use soft white 6500 use daylight.