Short Ryder Feminized under 250 Watt HPS in Small Grow Tent


Well-Known Member
I just gave the plants what is probably their last feeding. Since it was their last one, I feed them sort of heavy and ran two gallons of solution through all four plants so they are fed and happy. It will be 100 today, so I will see how they tolerate the heat. It has been in the nineties before so I am not too worried about it. It is also supposed to cool down into the eighties pretty soon so the plants will be stoked. I am still moving them outside at around 8 in the morning and bringing them back in at 6 or so; so they are getting a good 10 hours of direct, beautiful sunlight. So, what do you think, one more week or two?






Well-Known Member
How goes the construction if your sog net?

Clones coming soon. I was thinking 3 might be better than 2... less veg time.


Well-Known Member
Well I changed my mind a bit on harvest. I was looking at them with a microscope and noticed that the short bushy one, number 1, is damn near ready but the other two still need a bit more time. So I started the Clearex flush on #1 today and gave the other two what will now probably be their last feeding. From now on they will get just water. I also want to compare a one week clearex flush compared to a two week plain water flush. Number 4 is healthy as a hoarse but still just small. None of its leaves are yellowing off like the other three, they are still a rich, dark green. It needs at least three weeks. Well, thanks for reading and here are some pictures!






Active Member
be vigil my brother.......let them tell u that they r ready......they will almost sing it right to u.....................if i listen to them.............


Well-Known Member
be vigil my brother.......let them tell u that they r ready......they will almost sing it right to u.....................if i listen to them.............
I am trying to be patient! I have to be honest and admit I clipped a bud off of one for a sample. I just microwave dried it so the smoke was harsh, but the stone was quite nice. An uplifting, energizing high. Not the most potent bud I've ever smoked but definitely did the trick. I can't wait for a real sample after a proper dry and cure.


Active Member
hold out homez u be happier f u do................ promise..................all my friends that i burnt my auto ak with say it was fire but i smked a small bud of it before it was done and i hated it over the budz i buy so.............yeah i guess wait it out man...... & vigil hommie


Well-Known Member
It would probably taste better and be more potent if it was ripe, dried properly, and cured. ;-)

Calm down crazy man.. you're almost there. :)


Well-Known Member
Ran 2 gallons of clearex solution through #1 and two gallons each of plain water through #2 &3. So the flush continues. Number 4 still has a while to go and didn't need any water today so it just gets to hang out. Not much else to report other than the weather is perfect and will be for the next while so they will love their time by the pool.





Hope you enjoyed the pictures!!!


Well-Known Member
Well, the plants got drenched yesterday in the rain which is good for the flush but bad for possible mold problems. When I brought them inside for the night they were soaking wet so I knew that if I shut them up in the tent that the humidity would be close to 100 percent real soon as they dried off so I left the tent flaps open all night and an osculating fan blowing on them This morning they were all dried out and no signs of mold or anything bad. Today is beautiful, high 70's and bright sun so they are back outside. Also tomorrow is the first day of 14 hours of sun, so their last week or weeks on this planet will be under lots of natural light! Sorry, but no pictures now. I will take some for an update tomorrow! Happy growing and thanks for looking!