Should George W Bush be arrested for war crimes?

Should Bush be arrested for war crimes?

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The Gardener
terrorist / freedon fighter both the same in two people,s views and there will always be war when to rases have such diffrent view,s

but saddam is dead and the world is at peace from him at least only them extreamest.s that are fighting some medi evil war the world has to fear and there will never be peace untill this way of medi evil preaching is stop!!!!!!!!

i dont think bush could stop them even if he wanted to they are all over the world ploting all sorts of attack,s against the world and its only going to get worse and grow bigger and bigger the people are now afraid to step up and speak out about this or be blamed as rases or a war monger and then be told every thing thats happening is a myth bush made it all up lol the weapons the bomes the killing and the plots to blow up heavly built up areas all myths .....


Well-Known Member
You really show your ignorance .... first of all Hussien did allow inspectors in Iraq and they could not find any weapons ... fact.

Go here and you will see the many times that Iraq and Sadaam refused to let weapons inspectors into their country.

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Timeline: Iraq weapons inspections


29 October 1997: Iraq bars US weapons inspectors, provoking a diplomatic crisis which is defused with a Russian-brokered compromise.

13 January 1998: Iraq blocks an inspection by a US-dominated team and accuses its leader, Scott Ritter, of spying for America.

31 October 1998: The Iraqi leadership says it has ceased all co-operation with Unscom, the United Nations Special Commission set up for weapons inspections in Iraq.

16 December 1998: The UN orders weapons inspectors out of the country after Unscom chief Richard Butler issued a report saying the Iraqis were still refusing to co-operate. US air strikes on Iraq begin hours later.

17 December 1999: Unscom is replaced by the UN Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission (Unmovic). Iraq rejects the resolution.

5 July 2002: UN-Iraq talks end without agreement on inspections as Baghdad seeks assurances that sanctions will be lifted.

And about Congress not giving him authority to go into Iraq...

11 October 2002: The US Senate follows the House of Representatives in authorising President Bush to use force against Iraq.

So it's not me that is ignorant of the facts. But then again you were just spewing somebody else's opinions. So again...



Well-Known Member
Whether or not they found weapons of mass destruction in their recent inspections is null and void. It is common fact Sadaam had them at one point. And as 420 graciously provided above, he wouldn't have barred U.N., the goddamn kitty cats of politics, inspectors so many times had he not had them. For fuck's sakes, there are chemical weapon factories in Iraq that were only RECENTLY shut down as soon as the inspectors came their way.

Thanks for also saying what needed to be said 420. Make up your own mind from the evidence that is given. Don't let other people define what you believe.


Well-Known Member
Go here and you will see the many times that Iraq and Sadaam refused to let weapons inspectors into their country.

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Timeline: Iraq weapons inspections

So it's not me that is ignorant of the facts. But then again you were just spewing somebody else's opinions. So again...

Once again .... POLLY WANT TO SEE DUMMY DISPUTE THE FACTS ... you show your stupidity ... if you read the link you would have known they weren't someone's opinion but a report of the facts ... wow ..:roll:

David Kay led a group of 1500 investigators right up until the illegal invasion ...
The failure of the US-led Iraq Survey group to find any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq is proving a significant embarrassment to President George Bush and UK Prime Minister Tony Blair.

For someone that watches too much fauxnews there's still no excuse for you not knowing inspectors were allowed in Iraq in 2003.
Inspector Optimistic About Iraq WMD Hunt

So ignorance is no longer an excuses ... you have been presented with the facts ... so you are just plan stupid.


Well-Known Member
Illegal invasion? Are you serious? Read the fucking constitution!
The president is reserved the right to mobilize troops as long as he notifies and receives the go ahead from Congress within 48 hours.
He did just that. Congress approved. Had he not, he would've no doubt been impeached.

Did I ever say he didn't allow them in in 2003? Nope.

The point 420 was trying to make was that for years he barred inspectors access while the world stood on eggshells.

Why are people so dense to understand that even though we might have done it under false pretenses, the dethroning of Sadaam was a great move for the people.

I travelled to Bagdhad in 2001 and saw the devastation that goddamn bastard had done to his people for years. The people were fucking afraid of him, I mean petrified. I tried to interview a man in a Market in a Southeast Corner bazaar and he wouldn't even mention the dictator's name. The score in Iraq was: you speak out, they torture or kill you. I met three children (twins and a younger girl) who were taken into one of Hussein's dungeons and had their pinkies and ears cut off because they refused to give up their father (who had sadly fled the country to escape it, leaving behind his wife to be murdered in a Sunni/Shi'a street war).

An old teacher of mine went into service in the rebuilding of Iraq in 2005. His correspondence (reliable and I'd trust the man with my life) is more than promising, despite what BBC (Nice job quoting an even less reliable media you smart-mouth jackass) and FOX (or as you so hilariously call "Faux" News) say. He was on work detail that went around the countryside and helped to build schools and hospitals and has yet to even see conflict.

A carbomb goes off, "Good golly gee, Mistuh Bossman, that HAS GOT TO MEAN THE WAR IS A NO GO!!" A conflict takes place for 2 days (most of which are actually Sunni and Shi'a turf wars, which have gone on for decades and will continue to go on whether or not we're there), "Holy shit, IMPEACH, IMPEACH!!!"


Well-Known Member
Illegal invasion?
Well did Sadam ask him to come over to invade Iraq. I'm guessing NO. Therefore he's entered his country illegally.
If you have that view, it means that Hitler was right to invade Europe as he got the backing from his cabinet.

I think that Sadam is a vile person but how can you say him being dead is better, for who. Certainly not for our troops who are dying all the time and not to mention the random murders of women, children and men by all those locals fighting for power


Well-Known Member
Actually the United Nations classifies a weapon of mass destruction as:

Any chemical, biological, and/or nuclear device used to kill thousands of people. And since he was using chemical and biological weapons on thousands of Kurdish people in his own country, then yes he was using and did have weapons of mass destructions.

check the link for more on the United Nations classifications and remedies for the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

Search Results: weapons of mass destruction
Yeah and check all these out. - Official: U.S. calls off search for Iraqi WMDs - Jan 12, 2005
Weapons of mass destruction in Iraq: Bush's "big lie" and the crisis of American imperialism
FindLaw's Writ - Dean: Missing Weapons Of Mass Destruction

And i was talking about 9/11, in which he killed a few people


The Gardener
was it illegal for churchill to attack hitler in germany then ? im sure hitler dident want the the brits and yanks there

and do you think that sadaam should of been left untouched?


Well-Known Member
Thats a bit different, we entered germany in response to the actions of Hitler against the rest of the world and therefore we were provoked. We did not one day just decide to invade Germany as Hitler was evil. There was no controversy (like with Sadam) about if Hitler had weapons and was going to use them, as he had them and was already using them. Also there were still many POW and people in camps that needed help.


The Gardener
its not diffrent at all sadaam was just as evil as hitler and there was many a POW camp that needed help and free,d from him

sadaam killed and would of killed as many people as hitler only he was stoped before he grew untill that scale of a mass murder and in this day and age he could of did it a hole lot easier than hitler he killed thousands of people and it was clear he was intent to do a hole lot more he had both the money and power to do so and was only a matter of when he got them big bombs that would wipe a hole country out even the world
and it has been provoked in a way the 1st attack from the middle east was in 1979 long before the oil and money argument and for no reason other than beliefs then the US fought back in 1990 11 years after

the us troops were sent there as part of sadaams actions and to protect every living person on this planet just the same as when churchill sent his troops to get hitler


Well-Known Member
its not diffrent at all sadaam was just as evil as hitler and there was many a POW camp that needed help and free,d from him

sadaam killed and would of killed as many people as hitler only he was stoped before he grew untill that scale of a mass murder and in this day and age he could of did it a hole lot easier than hitler he killed thousands of people and it was clear he was intent to do a hole lot more he had both the money and power to do so and was only a matter of when he got them big bombs that would wipe a hole country out even the world
and it has been provoked in a way the 1st attack from the middle east was in 1979 long before the oil and money argument and for no reason other than beliefs then the US fought back in 1990 11 years after

the us troops were sent there as part of sadaams actions and to protect every living person on this planet just the same as when churchill sent his troops to get hitler

Yeah Team America, Fuck yeah. Universe police dipping their fingers in all the pies.
It's not the job of America to police the world, there are other organisations that can do that. America should try putting its dick away as its blowing in the wind!!!
You have a lot of instantiated claims their. How do you know he was going to commit genecide with his 'big bombs'. I'm pretty sure if he wanted bombs, he could have easily got them, and as there were none found surely that illustrates he had no plans of this. And thats a bold statement that sadam would have killed as many as Hitler, when Sadam was vastly out numbered and out-gunned.

However don't get me wrong I think Sadam deserved the death penalty as he is a murderer and vile, but not at the expense of my fellow countrymen.


The Gardener
Every major country wanted sadaam finished
he was a danger to the world and thats why we have the united nations now to stop out any rouge countrys they are the universe police now not just the US if any thing ya want to ask wtf was tony blair doing there other than looking a few brownie point,s and became bush,s pet gimp

he had the bombs and the dirty bombs
i ment when he got his nukes to wipe out hole countrys !

you started of saying its wrong then say its a better place with out him you know your self it was right to take him out and are just brainwashed by silly cartoons lol


Well-Known Member
Dear President Bush supporters,
This argument could go on forever, but the TRUTH is that Bush had fucked up our country's morale, voting confidence, NOT TO MENTION OUR NATIONAL BUDGET! Then 9/11 happened which this fucking retard used as an excuse to finish what his retarded father could not do in the Gulf War. He has made our country weak, vulnerable, and hated by the nations of the world. He single fucking handedly destroyed everything Clinton worked hard for! Remember the SUCCESSFUL mid-east talks he had? Well Bush fucked that up, now we have strained relations with the countries we should be allies with, not enemies.
No war crimes? Are you serious? This war was unwarranted, and was advised against! Now look at the end result-----Is there peace in the mid-east? No, but there is plenty of violence! Is our country safe against "terrorism"? No, but now we have the Patriot Act, yea! Is our country financially stable? Well you can answer that yourself! Is the education system stronger? Do we have more troops now? Do we have new recruits generally interested in fighting for their country? Sure, but how many more young men and women are now against a career in the military? Oh my God there is so much more to write, but I need to go blaze right now to keep my head from exploding!


Well-Known Member
Didnt Bush plan 9/11 as an excuse for Iraq and then used the terrorism stance and how USA must qwash it so he could form Team America to do what the hell he wanted to.

I also agree Blair was brown nosing Bush. But Blairs been Bush's pet dog for years now and not jst since Iraq.
I also think the world is prob a better place without Sadam, i'm not disputing that. What I am saying tho is that we should have gone about it in a different way. I mean you cannot say that this war has been a success can you. Since Sadam died there has been many deaths on a daily scale and has been doing so for over 5 yrs now.


The Gardener
you 100% right about bush fucking up what clinton had build clinton did a lot for my country to and he help bring peace to it
hes a good man and brought good to the world i also agree that bush used 9/11 as an excuse to go to iraq even know it was bin ladden did this and was in another country and i also agree that he made america a target by his old fashioned ruthless act,s from even more country and divided the US people

but sadaam needed stoped and mybe there could of been a better way to stop him for sure ! but hes dead and thats that

the only way the US and every other western country will be safe from terrorism is when that medi evil faith is stoped being taught by them extreamest,s


Well-Known Member
The #1 thing that seems to be overlooked by us americans is that, the nations that constitute the mid-east have a different culture, a different belief system, different morals, an altogether different way of thinking and living, so until we take that into consideration, we will never get through to them, because it is not our job to "get through" to them. That is incredibly insulting. These are not stupid people who need us to tell them what to do.
But they were thrown int a hell of a situation thanks to our redneck fucking greedy president and his money-hungry otherwise incompetent jackass vp cheney. The USA is not a fucking police state so why must we overextend ourselves to police Iraq? Pull our troops out as they are not needed there they are needed in their own country with their own families! The suffering must stop! If we pull out and stop the bullshit "Iraq is too unstable now, we can't leave" excuses! LIFE FINDS A WAY! The Iraqi people will get things under control when we leave because they will have no other choice! Hell, thats how revolution starts! Democracy might not be want they truly want. Many great empires and kingdoms were ruled by kings and queens, and theie people were happy! So democracy isnt always the best fucking option. Fuck Bush, get our troops out and think, America, think dammit!


The Gardener
as mush as bush was wrong to invaide IRAQ how he did
they still coming across all sorts of negliect and immoral cruilty to innocent people over there it would be far more wrong for them to pull out now and leave these people to this
sadaam is dead but his regime lives on

Did you see that disabled childerns hospital that was found by US troops with the most helpess in socity chained to bed,s and starved like anaimals looked just liked what hitler was doing to the jews they have got rid of sadaam now they need get it fixed the country thats still crupt
then let the iraq people gorvern there own country

but i think every country needs to join up other ways it makes america look like bullies even know it was right


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine was in the merchant army a long time ago and spent many many years in Arab countries helping their armies. He has had 1st hand experience of dictators as he spent a lot of his time in Oman and Libya where Colonel Gaddafi rules and he spent quite a bit of time on 1st name basis with Gaddafi. He said that over there the rulers are very harsh and punish any1 who steps out of line. He even said that over there an American told a poor local to F~'@ off and he got arrested and whenever the USA embassy tried to free him, he was moved somewhere else and this went on for years. But he said that they have always been ruled like that, and thats their way of life. He also said that if the ruler in these Arab countries was not so harsh, rebellions and civils wars would break out destroy much of the country


Well-Known Member
The #1 thing that seems to be overlooked by us americans is that, the nations that constitute the mid-east have a different culture, a different belief system, different morals, an altogether different way of thinking and living, so until we take that into consideration, we will never get through to them, because it is not our job to "get through" to them. That is incredibly insulting. These are not stupid people who need us to tell them what to do.
But they were thrown int a hell of a situation thanks to our redneck fucking greedy president and his money-hungry otherwise incompetent jackass vp cheney. The USA is not a fucking police state so why must we overextend ourselves to police Iraq? Pull our troops out as they are not needed there they are needed in their own country with their own families! The suffering must stop! If we pull out and stop the bullshit "Iraq is too unstable now, we can't leave" excuses! LIFE FINDS A WAY! The Iraqi people will get things under control when we leave because they will have no other choice! Hell, thats how revolution starts! Democracy might not be want they truly want. Many great empires and kingdoms were ruled by kings and queens, and theie people were happy! So democracy isnt always the best fucking option. Fuck Bush, get our troops out and think, America, think dammit!

My wife is from Iraq and she came here in 1992 on a student visa to attend college and medical school in order to return there and be a doctor for her people. And I can tell you there morals aren't that different than everyone elses. They want the same things that everyone does. To be safe and secure. Raise their children without violence being thrust at them. And they want to be able to secure the resources to take care of their families. And here opinion might be a little biased. Since her father spoke out against Saddaam and his government and was killed by his soldiers for that. But they didn't just kill him, they killed her mother and little brother as well. She probably would have been killed as well, but she was here going to college. Believe it or not, she opened champagne when US troops caught him and again when he was convicted, and a third time when he was hanged. The only problem with all of it she had was this. He should have been taken to The Hague and tried there for crimes against humanity like Milosovich was. And not let the people who he hurt/killed their families decide his fate. Because Iraq has laws that put people to death for alot more things that most western countries do. But then its been my experience that most Arab/Muslim countries (not that Iraq is an Arab country) has most of the same laws and punishments.