Should I be concerned? (PICS)


Active Member
Should I be concerned that one of my plants has almost no vertical growth compared to the other plant? I have 2 little plants and 1 is growing vertically while the other is just growing its leaves bigger with virtually no vertical growth (see Pics).

I am using a DWC hydroponics, and the FLOROGRO series of nutrients. I am am giving it the recommended amount of nutrients for a seedling. (1/4 dose i believe).

Any help or knowledge about this would be appreciated.


Brick Top

New Member
While the plant is tiny I would not worry yet.

It may just have slightly different dominant genetics in it even if it is from the same strain and the same pack of beans, that is assuming you started with beans and not clones, and possibly the initial taproot was not as developed so it is now developing and using energy for growth for that purpose more than for vertical growth. It may be a case of genetics where one is slightly more indica dominant and will be a lower thicker plant and the other may be slightly more sativa dominant and will grow taller faster.

It may have been planted slightly deeper than the other so it has not been able to keep up with the above growing medium height as the other plant but it may still be pretty much the same as the rest in total growth since planting.

It may also be on the outer edges of your lighting and not receiving an equal amount of light as your other plant so its growth could be slower due to that.

Also it just may not be as vigorous of a plant as the other and may always lag behind because of it.

But do not be all that concerned. I have had very slow starters that later shot up like mad and equaled or at least came very close to equaling the growth of the other plants. As long as it looks healthy like it does do not soil your shorts over it.


Well-Known Member
I recently bought some seeds for a strain I hadn't grown before,
they literally jumped out of the seeds and had their first set of true leaves at 3 days fromt planting,
then they just sat there for 2 weeks, no growth at all, then in the 3rd and 4th week until now, they grew like crazy, now at 4 weeks today, they are 6 to 8" high and very bushy.
Maybe they were concentrating on root growth.


Well-Known Member
How old are they? The first week or two after they climb out of the soil can be pretty slow..


Active Member
Thanks for all the info, I am just not gong to worry about it for now. I actually took a look at the babies this morning and I see a tad bit more stem development so I am happy.

And its been about a week and a few days since they sprouted.

