Should i be worried?


Well-Known Member
cant see the problem? other then a little twist on leaf or do i need glasses lol! if its the leaf twist sometimes you get deformed leaves for a variety of reasons, if its 1 or 2 i wouldnt panic,


Well-Known Member
that my friend is spider mite shit and the leaf curl would be them haven a go just spray with some mite spray


Well-Known Member
i dont see what the problem is in the picture. r u worried about the color change on one of the leaves?

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Hmm 2 tone leaf with side curling.......You don't have spider mites,,,,,,you have BROAD MITES!
Treat with a GOOD miticide.
Don't waste time with these suckers and use organic controls....You don't want "control". You want to KILL these....I suggest FORBID 4F Look to ebay for small amounts...The use of Doktor Dooms mite spray (pyrethrin) works but takes a few treatments..

Broad mites are TINY, about the diameter of a white fly leg! They attack at the leaf "stems" or "veins".......
Some people mistake this for Mosaic Virus.......BBZZZTT,,,,,WRONG! Cannabis can not get Mosaic virus of any type.

The BEST way to deal with them is the Forbid!


Well-Known Member
Definitely mites or some sort of bug like stated earlier. I'd definitely try and address that soon.


Well-Known Member
Google organic Pesticides. She's still young enough you can hit her with some sort of spray and hopefully should be able to kill those little annoying pests. If you see nats of some sort, lady bugs will do the trick for that.


Well-Known Member
Also type into google: Dawn soap

Dawn Dish soap is great for the soil, and can kill most all of the eggs and bugs in the soil.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member