Should I Bud Or Grow Longer????


Well-Known Member
looks like you're rollin now!..plant looks good! just wait till that hps comes! think thats quik aint seen nothin yet!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
looks like you're rollin now!..plant looks good! just wait till that hps comes! think thats quik aint seen nothin yet!:bigjoint:

I know I hope its female so i can take clones!!! turned the lights back on wednesday, and as of now no signs of sex :sad: Lights will be here tomm!!! moving most of my shit to the new house tonight prolly, I can't wait to be outta this apartment:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
you can start flowering at 3 nodes. so basically put those ladys under flowering right now!!! and you'll have fat juicy nuggets within the next two months for sure! as long as you take care of them. stick about 18 inches from top of hps assuming your using a standard 40oW hps( invest in a son-agro it adds 30 % mh tint to it)


Well-Known Member
yeah dude, that shit is lame...if your gonna grow do it right....u want to flower when your plants strt showing preflowers...that means its mature...thats how u get the best bud...


Well-Known Member
look, i am going to give you some advice that is from my own experience, first of all :clap: on the lights!! Toss her into flower!! and get ready for that thing to double in size in a week!!

I'm doing my first grow.. I switched to flower b4 I left for a Christmas trip, and when I got back... HOLY SHEEET man, the things more than doubled on me. one was about 10 inches and is now 3 feet tall now 5 1/2 weeks into flower (btw my widow was about same size as yours when i flowered but a little more dense and its now 2ft tall and almost as wide)

also I had one that i threw into veg for 2 weeks, it was about 3 inches tall, i never counted the nodes.. but its now 14 inches tall. it showed no presex obv. way too young right!! and now its one big nasty bud! also what u can do is start a new grow with the lights u have, shorten the time of your next harvest.

or top it/her !! and give it 1 to 2 more weeks


Well-Known Member
Ok so after the move and everything eles that has happened it has started flowering, but not female!!!!! I started a new journal and have some more seeds germinating now, check it out . Here are a couple pics of the bastard I have spent the better portion of 3 months growin to get a fuckin male, only good thing that will come from him is some pollen for later.

