Should i get a rok-it bong?


Well-Known Member
so i dont have a piece that i smoke from, i just roll joints or blunts when i toke it up. i love smoking out of bongs, but havent gotten one yet. i really want a rok-it bong, but they are 200 bucks! my friend will split the cost with me and well only use it together, dont wanna lend that one to anyone!
do you guys think i should get one? i would be paying 100, but i kinda dont wanna use it on an expensive bong when i could just get a cheap one for 20 or 30.
i do have money though, im not too broke (yet).

help me out, what do you think?



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I like the mad scientist bong, if you wanna get further into it go into grass city and type mad scientist in, they have a video of some one testing it out..

for 130 bucks you really cant go wrong my friend.


Well-Known Member
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I like the mad scientist bong, if you wanna get further into it go into grass city and type mad scientist in, they have a video of some one testing it out..

for 130 bucks you really cant go wrong my friend.
you are correct 130 isnt bad. that thing is pretty awesome, i was actually checking it out earlier. its a double chamber kinda thing, right? did you get yours from grass city?


Well-Known Member
you are correct 130 isnt bad. that thing is pretty awesome, i was actually checking it out earlier. its a double chamber kinda thing, right?
yeah, i mean rok-it bong is badass dont get me wrong..but we are talking about a bong here not a pipe, I like having my bong behind the couch, not in my car or on someones table.. Bongs are great for toking, but transportation? not so much. lol

i plan on getting one, but i have a hookah on the my spending sprees are going in the order of my future grow and then the bong..I have about 3 months left on probation, so i want to start my "freedom" off with a big bang..Here i am smoking a joint and then cleaning my system out..I plan on going straight edge, that way i dont have to have a worry every time i take a piss test.


Well-Known Member
yea, i know what your saying. i would keep my bong with me when i went to sleep if i got a rok it. :hump: i still gotta think about it, 200 is a lot but it looks so amazing and im pretty sure i wouldnt be able to put it down once i got it.
ill let you know if i get one and how it is :mrgreen: if i dont get that one i will most likely go with your mad scientist idea. it is beautiful too, but i am still stuck on rok it.
thanks for the input!


Well-Known Member
dont waste the money just get a regular glass bong that is yours and only yours...they all have the same concept(filtering threw water)....i kno when i wanna smoke out of my bong i wanna have that bitch on hand at ALL times not wait for my friend to come over or bring it over BTW, if you have the money why not just buy it yourself if you really really like it?


Well-Known Member
dont waste the money just get a regular glass bong that is yours and only yours...they all have the same concept(filtering threw water)....i kno when i wanna smoke out of my bong i wanna have that bitch on hand at ALL times not wait for my friend to come over or bring it over BTW, if you have the money why not just buy it yourself if you really really like it?
yeah, i see exactly what your saying and feel the same way. i wanna buy one but dont want to waste the money. the thing is, when i or my friend smoke, its usually together. most of our friends (there are a few exceptions) drink and dont like smoking, personally i think they are mentally retarded. so, we would almost always be smokin together. and his roommate isnt too keen on the marijuana scene either, so he said i could keep it at my house :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
so we just got our bong and its pretty damn sweet. we just toked from him and loved it! we are now sTONEd! woo hoo! bongsmilie its smooth as f%#$ and works mighty fine :mrgreen: i reccomend it


Well-Known Member
What the f**k is that?
what happened to the old school bong... like a roor. technology is crazy nowadays...
I smoke in 2 ways. bong or joint/blunt.

I laughed the other day at the local clinic, they got this machine that fills up a bag and you inhale the smoke out of it I guess... WTF... haha stupid kids....


Well-Known Member
What the f**k is that?
what happened to the old school bong... like a roor. technology is crazy nowadays...
I smoke in 2 ways. bong or joint/blunt.

I laughed the other day at the local clinic, they got this machine that fills up a bag and you inhale the smoke out of it I guess... WTF... haha stupid kids....
That was a Vaporizer Most Likely And now im making that my quote cause thats too fucking funny.
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Well-Known Member
Any bong is going to rip man that is a basic fact. haha as long as it's an actual bong and not some oversized-bong-shaped pipe that you fit your lips over when your inhaling it.

Also i hear vaporizers rip more then all.. haha.


Well-Known Member
my new rokit... i love it. it came with the foot broken off, the wrong color and missing a case (along with the 15 screens and pipe klena it was supposed to have, but i still like it. if you have money i recommend it :weed:

