Should I harvest? (pics)


Active Member
Alright I've been growing outdoors for 4 months and a week. I think it's time for harvest but am not positive. Any opinions would be appreciated.
edit: does anyone know if it will be dank just by looking? It was bagseed, but I got it out of a dank bag.
here's a new picture



Well-Known Member
Alright I've been growing outdoors for 4 months and a week. I think it's time for harvest but am not positive. Any opinions would be appreciated.
Raido shack sells a 60-100x micrescope. Check the trichombs. Though It does not look ready.


Well-Known Member
Yeah bro, at least a few more weeks. Trust me you will be much happier if you wait it out.

Look at this plant here, she still needs about 2 weeks.



yeah those buds have plenty of room to fill in!!!

i'm calling it at 4 more weeks... beginning of october for harvest... if you can wait that long...

but yeah, go with cloudflyers tip with the microscope... takes out a lot of the guess work!