should i prune?


Well-Known Member
okay, well this is my first grow and it has been a crash course for sure, 3 diff soils, several diff light set-ups, 2 different growboxes (soon to be in a grow closet).

injuries to my plants:

-1st soil was CRAP just cheap crappy shit (i think it may have been $1.50 for a 40 pound bag of the shit)
-nuted with first two waterings causing pretty strong nute burn
-switched to scott's potting soil which further contributed to nute burn
-overwatered at least twice
-temps were way too high several times (up to 100F)
-plants grew into lights burning a few leaves

bottom line is my 6 week old plants are a little bit stunted and funky (they are about 10-11" tall), i have a 10 day old and a 3 day old in with them and they are doing fine.

i ended up repotting all of them in MG organic soil and improved ventilation and figured out when to water and I haven't nuted except for the first two times and they've recovered nicely, started throwing out healthy green foliage all around except for the leaves i've already abused and on the plus side the root system is really well developed.

so my question is whether or not to remove these fucked up leaves. i removed some that were almost completely dead at the base of the plant and i noticed a TON of new growth in their place really starting to fill out the bottom and reach upwords (not to mention new bud sites!), so my question is should i sacrifice these huge fan leaves in favor of new growth, they aren't very dark green and are thin and papery and dry if anything they seem to be bringing the plants down and making them look like shit to boot.

i was planning on beginning 12/12 tomorrow when my 150w HPS gets here would pruning now be bad timing?

sorry this is so long but i am eager to hear what everyone has to say!


Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I would not prune the fan leaves away. This is how the plant stores food. If the leaf is more than 3/4 yellow or crispy to the touch, you can remove it. Other than that do not remove.


Well-Known Member
must have dropped the temps alot .... stems are purple! ..... dont know if thats true just heard from a few ppl thats what they do when you drop the temp which i think is bad ass.


Well-Known Member
i dont think that has anything to do with it i have had mine in a constant 78 and the stems are purp. i think its all genetics


Well-Known Member
Purple stems is a 'it all depends' thing, and I haven't yet figured out exactly all what it depends upon.

As for the leaves, once they're chlorotic (the term for leaves that have lost their green coloration) then they've lost their nitrogen stores. This is the likely reason for the chlorosis, too. So, if there's a lot of yellowing I would recommend weak feedings to stop it. If you're just in the veg stage I would judiciously remove yellowed leaves. If in flower, though, I would leave them until they're ready to drop.


New Member
i have never found a prize under a big fan leaf so for me if one is covering a bud i get rid of it, but i grow very close to my lights to the big fan leafs are not as important as they might be in other grows where you are farther away


Active Member
i dont think that has anything to do with it i have had mine in a constant 78 and the stems are purp. i think its all genetics
I'm with you. I've had the same thing the last 2 grows and my temps are good & consistent. I'm positive the stem color isn't due to temp.


Well-Known Member
I grow white rhino in 72-77 degrees the whole grow and my stems are purple. So that has nothing to do with why the stems are purp.


Well-Known Member
yeah actually the stems came out of the seed purple. then they started to stripe, these plants have been through hell and abuse but they are fucking soliders. god damn if they haven't gone through just about every type of abuse you can throw at them heat light water moisture pests fungus god damn the list goes on.

as an update i pruned every leaf that was not flat healthy and fully green and the plant is happy! big new shoots flying up towards the canopy to my new HPS light!

it's just shitty bagseed (i mean this was seriously some shitty pot, which is why i have a shitload of the seeds layin around!)


Active Member
The purple stems aren't a problem. As many have said here the coloring isn't temp related. I've had this happen on every grow and I've heard it can be mainly genetics, but there are many opinions on what causes this.

You can prune off the messed up leaves on bottom but it will force the plant to put more energy into growing taller.

The coloring on your leaves indicates a lack of magnesium so add 1 tbls of epsom salt in a gal of water and use each time you feed. You can also foilar feed with this solution as well.
If the ph level in your soil is good (6.3-7) they should survive nicely.

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
yep probably caused by "hard water" witch causes nute lock
I had to switch to distilled water, kinda a pain in the ass but I havent had any issues on my last plant