Should I prune?


Active Member
I am growing in an atami wilma 10 pot system. The strain is 'madonna', I vegged for 3 weeks before 12/12 and on the first week of bloom I pruned a lot of the lower branching.

It is the end of week 3 of bloom now and all of the plants are growing into each other, both side shoots and fan leaves are cluttered.

i was thinking of cutting half of the branching on each plant and leaving mostly only one main cola on each plant.

Would this be wise, or what else can I do?

Thanks guys.



Well-Known Member
i wouldnt go as far as chopping branches, u get a helluva lot of smoke from all the side bud. i'd just remove a load of the fan leaves to give it room for light penetration, dont take too many though, the plant does need them for photosynthesis


Well-Known Member
you could tie them by putting some screws around the tops of your pots screwed into the sides and then use garden string to wrap around leading shoots and tie them over away from each other .

hope that makes sense if not look for LST and you will soon understand.

I would advise you to do a little trimming. Just trim all of the leaves not getting light or which will soon not be receiving any light. Those plants are pretty bushy so you should expect some more heavy growth of the side leaves. Maybe try topping them if it's not too late. If you don't know what that is forget about it tho.