Should i sex plant indoor than transplsnt outdoor or just transplant outdoor?

I have a few indicas that were vegg with 600 watts LEDs for 7-8 weeks in 1 gallon pots, my question is should i flower it indoor and transplant to ground or should i just transplant it? The out doors is already 12/12 but im debating if its better for the roots to just let it induce sex out doors cuz during 12/12 root buildin stops


Well-Known Member
u dont have to go 12/12 for the plant to show sex.if they are 7-8 weeks im surprises they havnt showed already.i wait for my plants to mature in veg before going 12/12.its usually anywhere from 6-8 weeks before they show without going 12/12.


Well-Known Member
patience.any plant that is fimd is fimd b4 sex is 2 cents .every grower is god over his/her plants and can do with them what they desire.