Should I start to flower?


Active Member
This is my first and they are about 5 weeks old. I only have a limited amount of space to continue growing them so I was wondering if anyone thinks it would be ok to start flowering these? I have a fan on them now to try to strengthen up the stems. My box is only about 1'x1'x 2'6". And will probably use two 23 watt cfls. The one in the blue cup was kind of concerning me with the yellow lower leave, But I think it was over watering. I had it in a dwc to start with, So i think it was not getting enough o2



Well-Known Member
Top that sucker and flower it in like 2-3 weeks :)

These are about 5 weeks old. I only have a limited amount of space to continue growing them so I was wondering if it would anyone thinks it would be ok to start flowering these?

"let it burn"

Well-Known Member
with the space you have it might be best to start now. you can roughly get atleast 2 times more hight when you flower from the size it was when you put it in flower. i agree with what (nickfury510) said maybe to long.


Active Member
If I mess around a little bit I can probably get another 6/8 inches in height. So I hope i will be ok.

thats pretty small for 5 weeks
It's my first grow so I was not to sure about the size. But thanks for the input. I think next time I will use better soil and nutrients.
And hope for more growth and mass.


Well-Known Member
Considering this appears to be your first grow I'd say it looks decent. Don't expect prim-o smoke. You can certainly start flowering now. Some peeps flower straight from seed :)


Well-Known Member
Yes you will.... well at least for the first few. Then you kinda get a groove, and you stick to it :) well most ppl do