Should I supply c02


I'm looking to start a small closet grow with just one plant and 150 watt hps light to get my feet wet. Which leads me to two questions. 1) do I need supply c02 to the one plant or is that a waste? 2) do I need ballast to run such a low wattage light.
the ballast should be already built in, i started with a 150 and it was all one piece. CO2 is never wasted, but for one plant it isnt necessary


Well-Known Member
co2 levels are higher at night so its better to run lights on at night :D and its cooler at night. if u really want co2 try lemon juice and baking soda! :D theres a cool baggy method with lemons and baking soda or somethin like that


Active Member
it dont have to be a sealed room to use co2
no it doesnt have to be a sealed room to use co2 but it does need to be a sealed room to benefit from using co2. With 1 plant and 150 watts dont bother with co2, just get good fresh air coming to plant. most ambient air is 300-500ppm co2 and that is plenty.