Should i Transplant??? pics


Well-Known Member
Hey guys and gals i have two known females who just showed hairs today !!!!! My only problem is that they are in very small containers that i think will hurt yield a lot or lead to problems down the road, my question is should i transplant now while they are young or is it too late, mind you they only just showed hairs....



Well-Known Member
yeah i'd say its safe to transplant them. can you see any roots coming through the bottom holes?


Well-Known Member
You should have done it a week before you switched to 12/12. But anyhow you can transplant them now - if you are VERY careful when you do it, they will get stressed very little. If you have to break up the rootball or it gets ugly it will take them a while to get past it. I say do it ASAP and make sure you put them into more of the same soil they are in now that will lessen the stress. And use some superthrive if you have it. A drop per gallon.

Should be fine just don't wait.


Well-Known Member
You will know when to transplant when either roots are coming out of the container or there is no other reason why they aren't growing anymore.


Well-Known Member
well they were doing good but the containers would DEFINETLY led to root problems but they transplanted and they are doing great!!!


Active Member
oh no, looks like there a lil small bro, they should be still in veggie... but they do look really healthy, looks hard 2 mess up from there, juz be careful transplanting ur babies, pull by the base of the stem with one hand and keep one hand on the topsoil... angle appropriatly, and juz take ur time rather than hurt the roots.


Well-Known Member
yes they will be fine. Aim for at least a 5L pot, and add perlite for aeration and drainage.

you could always consider putting back on a veg cycle for a couple of weeks and help them root - at least you know that 2 of them are female, and worth putting the effort into.


Active Member
if u have a sick nife u could cut the bottom and plant the whole thing with no damage lol... and i think i already advised a transplant 4 this 1 but eh who knows.