should i worry about pollen?


Active Member
Im talking about outside pollen. im sure i track some in on my clothes. and my grow is in my closet, and i regularly have my window open to let in fresh air. i've done it isnce i was a kid, i leave my window open or cracked sometimes for days at a time during the summer with a big floor fan that oscelates. where i live, we get pollen bad enough you can write your name on windows....if you stand on high ground, the whole valley looks like its covered in smog...its ALL POLLEN!! It takes less than 24 hrs to turn a clean car YELLOW here...

if my plant turns female, should i worry about outside pollen getting in? or do i just have to worry about a male plant's pollen?

this seems like it would be simple genetics. dna of one type cant breed with dna of another type. but close cousins can often reproduce in nature. like a horse and donkey make a mule, or is it horse and mule make a donkey?

so, just wondering. noob here. just germinating my 2nd grow


New Member
Pollen can travel up to a mile or so.... but still, unless you have males growing in ur back yard or very close... i wouldn't worry about it too much. You could change ur cloths I suppose...better yet...always go into ur grow room naked. :lol:


Well-Known Member
where i live, we get pollen bad enough you can write your name on windows....if you stand on high ground, the whole valley looks like its covered in smog...its ALL POLLEN!! It takes less than 24 hrs to turn a clean car YELLOW here...

if my plant turns female, should i worry about outside pollen getting in? or do i just have to worry about a male plant's pollen?
Probably not.

this seems like it would be simple genetics. dna of one type cant breed with dna of another type. but close cousins can often reproduce in nature. like a horse and donkey make a mule, or is it horse and mule make a donkey?
Most likely you've got a lot of male pine tree pollen. Pine pollen won't fertilize cannabis.

Pollen can travel up to a mile or so.... but still, unless you have males growing in ur back yard or very close... i wouldn't worry about it too much. You could change ur cloths I suppose...better yet...always go into ur grow room naked. :lol:
I like this idea, just be sure to put sunscreen on your naughty bits if you use HID lights. Wouldn't want an inconvenient burn. ;-)


New Member
My Oaks this year.... and I have many many many of them... had a BUMPER crop of Pollen this year. I was out raking leaves last weekend (oaks drop twice a year down here) and my shoes were bright yellow after an hour... :lol:


Active Member
Probably not.

Most likely you've got a lot of male pine tree pollen. Pine pollen won't fertilize cannabis.

I like this idea, just be sure to put sunscreen on your naughty bits if you use HID lights. Wouldn't want an inconvenient burn. ;-)

there are some pine trees near me. but the whole valley here is really bad every year cause all the pollen gets trapped down here between the mountains and hangs in the air literally like fog sometimes, you can see it in the right light, or from the right vantage point.

the makers of zyrtec make a lot of money off me lol