should i worry?


Active Member
My first grow indoors. 20 clones in rock wool cubes on top of rock wool slabls, under (2) 1000w HPS lights in veg stage with (2) air intakes, one for fresh air and one for lights. 18 hours light / 6 hours dark. Keep em at about 75 to 85 degrees. I water every morning one hour after the lights come on through flooding. It is December in Nor Cal, could it be the cold air? or i did maybe have the lights a bit too close? (lifted em already). About 80% of all the clones' leaves are turnung yellow and curling!!! Sorry if this is another repeat question but I must know, how do i save them? is this common? my humidity is pretty low (i think). could that have anything to do with it? can someone tell me what is optimal humidity levels are please?



Active Member
go get a cool mist humidifier, it will lower temps and provide humidity at the same time (depending upon size of room expect a 2-10F drop in temps) They definately look burned however


Active Member
Now I AM WORRIED! So all I need to do is correct the ph of my water? to what ph? and maybe a cool mist humidifier?

newb need guidance


Well-Known Member
Get your water at ph6.5. No nutes for the first water then very mild nutes (Like 1/4 of recommended dose). Try keeping your temp down to under 80.

What nutes are you using?
What ph was your water?
Have your clones rooted through the RW cubes yet?
What distance are your lights from the plants?


Well-Known Member
listen bro, dont panic. that leads to more mistakes. I see alot of light bleaching and a little bit of nute burn. I think your nutes may be ok but do back off a tad. best thing for these chicks is CLF's or at the least move that light 2-3 feet away, but they may stretch.
before you change your ph, pray tell what ph are you running. I am going to say 5.5-6.00 b/c it looks like it is in range.
they will need a period to recoup-


Active Member
Ok, I am starting to FREAK! One of my plants is drooped over and it looks BAD. I've been usinga6.0 to 6.5 ph for my water. Roots have NOT yet rooted through the cubes yet. And my lights are about a foot above and temps are cool, just low humidity. So I should just back off with the nutes? Is there something I should ADD? Like anything that these girls may be deficient in?

white boy smurf

New Member
i would def move the lights farther back, these little guys dont need that much light when they are so young. Looks like the HPS is just baking those plants. Measure the temp right next to your plants if you havent already. A good idea is to veg them with MH and flower with those big ass HPS. Idk i could be wrong it just seems that the light form those HPS is too intense for them right now. Good Luck


Well-Known Member
How well rooted are those clones? Im guessing they aren't but if they are then ignore what I write below :?

If there not well rooted, and your giving them about 90000 lumens of light, then the leaves are trying to photosynthesize at a tremendous rate, but there is no water in the plant to complete the photosynthesis.(Not enough Roots).

The longer you continue to give your plants too much light, the more they are going to dry out, shrivel up and die :cry:

Pop your light up to 4 foot above your plants and if you can put them in a propagator. This should slow the photosynthesis, at which point the plant will start to develop root mass, in order to find food. If you do this you should be fine in about a week.


Well-Known Member
Ok, I am starting to FREAK! One of my plants is drooped over and it looks BAD. I've been usinga6.0 to 6.5 ph for my water. Roots have NOT yet rooted through the cubes yet. And my lights are about a foot above and temps are cool, just low humidity. So I should just back off with the nutes? Is there something I should ADD? Like anything that these girls may be deficient in?
Well if I'd paid more attention, I would have seen they aren't rooted! :dunce:

So go with my previous post, get them into a propagator till roots grow nicely, just make sure you get some fresh air in there once or twice a day. And get that light up (4 foot).

You wont need to water them as often either (maybe once every 3days-week, and to make sure your rockwool isn't waterlogged, give it a little squeeze before putting it in the propagator.

Your ph is ok, so the only other thing I can think of is your nutes. My guess is you've been using a grow nutrient that is high in Nitrogen? What you need to promote rooting are low levels of nitrogen and optimum levels of phosphorous. So for feeding if you have a rooting feed like Rhizotonic or Root juice, then use that (mildly). If you don't then any bloom nutrient that is low in nitrogen and high in phosphorous will suffice. Again tho use it mildly.(1/4 strengh will do fine)

One last thing I promise ;-)
You want the temperature of the root zone to be between 65F and 75F. Lower than 65F and they wont want to root, higher than 80F and you will cook the roots.


Active Member
I hope so. Moving the light up to where I have it (about a foot above) does seem to have helped a little. And by that I mean that there is progress in growth but the yellow is still there. You say 4 feet? Sounds higher than I thought but I WILL give that a try. wish me luck... hopefully my next post will have some pics of healthy GREEN...


Well-Known Member
Yeah I know 4 foot sounds extreme. The thing with cuttings is you want the leaves to stop providing food a much as possible, without actually stopping them. This will encourage the plant to produce roots (as it has to feed from the ground).

The initial lumens produced by your light is probably somewhere around the 100k mark (Way too bright for cloning), if you move your light up to 4 feet, then the light hitting the clones will be around the 2k mark (lumens). 2k is where you want to be until you start to see root growth, then you can lower the light gradually each day over a week or two.


Active Member
thx trickky... so far so good... greens starting to come back and even the ones that looked real bad is sprouting more leaves. even the roots are starting to root through the cubes. not 100% tho... still too much yellow for my comfort but lookin A LOT better. guess i gotta give it a bit more time... always been my problem RUSH RUSH.
But my grief never lets up because NOW, ONE and only one of my plants have wilted and it really looks bad. Strange how it is only one of 20. what up with that?


Well-Known Member
thx trickky... so far so good... greens starting to come back and even the ones that looked real bad is sprouting more leaves. even the roots are starting to root through the cubes. not 100% tho... still too much yellow for my comfort but lookin A LOT better. guess i gotta give it a bit more time... always been my problem RUSH RUSH.
But my grief never lets up because NOW, ONE and only one of my plants have wilted and it really looks bad. Strange how it is only one of 20. what up with that?
Once those cubes have a healthy set off roots you should start feeding, lightly.

I know what you mean about rush rush, I'm 8 years into my hobby and I'm still back and for the grow room 10 times a day to check on their progress.

Oh and Congratulations! You have just performed cloning, with a 95% success rate, that's good going if you ask me. Especially as the conditions were not always optimum. I would put the "one" down to mother nature, She's a bitch sometimes, but you gotta love her ;-)


Active Member
yeah i think the problem was the lights to close, 1 foot is going to burn the hell outa them, four feet is good and then as they grow you can lower them, ending up about 1-1.5 feet away, also use some root conditioner in ur nutes, itll help the roots grow alot faster and stronger, as for the ph 6.5 seems high to me i keep it at 5.6-5.9 range and for that size i wouldnt go any higher than 300-500 ppm, hope that helps


Well-Known Member

Your ph is 6.5 and I said that was ok. Im in soil mode at the moment, sorry :oops:

Ideal for Hydro is indeed about 5.8, with 5.5 being the lower end and 6.5 being the highest.

Thanks MrLucky.


Active Member
Well heres the difference a few days and a couple feet has made. some before and after pics. looks healthier, but the yellow is still there. Only time will tell for certain....



Active Member
Could it be - overwatering?
Nute burn starts at the tips of the leaves.

You said you water everyday, My buddy waters once a week. He might top off half way through the week. But that's it.

He has 3 - 600w hps's


Well-Known Member
Could it be - overwatering?
Nute burn starts at the tips of the leaves.

You said you water everyday, My buddy waters once a week. He might top off half way through the week. But that's it.

He has 3 - 600w hps's
In a way yes they were being watered to much, but that was not the root cause, it was a good clue to finding the root cause tho.

Your buddy waters once a week, because his lights are the correct distance from the grow medium, thus not drying the medium out in only one day.

With a 1kw bulb only a foot away from unrooted plants, the heat from the bulb will dry the medium out extremely quickly, before the cuttings even get a look in to what you have fed them :?

They wouldn't want to feed from the medium anyway cos the light intensity would encourage them to feed of the light, instead of producing roots to feed from the medium. (They are lazy like that ;-))