Should I worry?

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
Ya, I didn't know they came in so many colors.
I sprayed those bitches down hardcore with my hose.
Next is a little dishsoap and water.


Well-Known Member
good luck i hope you get some help from mother nature with some lady bugs, hopefully it doesnt go after your plants. good lcuk


Well-Known Member
Aphids...ouch. Are they on your MJ plants too? I'm not sure if aphids like MJ, anyone know?

I know ladybugs will massacre those suckers... You can probably buy them at your local nursery BUT, who knows if they'll stick around to finish them off.


Well-Known Member
Aphids...ouch. Are they on your MJ plants too? I'm not sure if aphids like MJ, anyone know?

I know ladybugs will massacre those suckers... You can probably buy them at your local nursery BUT, who knows if they'll stick around to finish them off.
They are red aphids,08 grow they attacked all the tomatoes i had,then worked there way to the cucumbers,but they left my buds alone..
Your best bet is to get rid of anything that's infested,throw it away after the trash man goes dump it over and knock any left overs out preferably on your neighbors plants:-P
isopropyl "rubbing alcohol" diluted with water works,also dish washing soap also diluted with water works i used those on my vegetables and im still alive so i think its safe to use.My favored method was spray with solution then spray them off with clean water,reapeat until controlled,if left to long they will win and infest your whole garden:fire:


Active Member
I've had the same problem on my dope plants can't seem to find any on any of the plants but when i first got them i noticed a couple on the floor of my grow tent which is white so they stand out i thought they were spider mittes and used insect and mitte spray called maverick dilute in water then completely spray all over and under leaves then next day id go in and lift up the pots and there'd be a good couple of hundred of them so ill vacum them up water or spray them go back in abt an hour or two later and another hundered or two? this went on for abt 3 days then no more for a good week then they came back again (maybe eggs hatched they take 7-14 days) the mother plant oldest of them all is only one that just keep producing them it seemed to me like they cld hv been in the dirt cause when id water them an hour or sao later heaps of dying aphids wld be all under the pot Ive moved mother out and been clean for about 4 weeks but yesterday i noticed a couple more so as they are just starting to bud Ive given them one more spray with the maverick as you shouldn't really spray thjem once budding hope this helps
sweet az