Should my plants be flowering already?! dammit...


Well-Known Member
Alright, I am not a total noob, but it is only my second grow. First one was a success, and I got some seed out of one of my old I thought, heck my not plant them (out of 3 I got one Fem, aside from my two Northern Lights).Then I realized that I think it's a new hybrid I sort of created accidentally.

It's a skunk or white pearl, that got mixed with a White Dwarf (I think an autoflowering one).

So now, to compare, you can see in my photos, my Northern light plant (one of two) is still in vegetative and growing very healthy and strong.

My "homemade hybrid" mistake is shorter, darker, and already flowering!!!

Now, while I grew last time I noticed that after 1.5 months (what has passed so far from germ), all my plants were slowly flowering as well, and they ended up being nice and big and heavy with MAYBE I am overreacting...

However, any input would be nice.

OH one more thing, these are going to be outdoors next week. I already have them out in the sun almost everyday, while there is still sunlight, then under CFL light for the remainder. next week will be guerilla grow week 1. :-P

So please let me know, am I ok with that little one? Or should I make that one a home/balcony grow, while the northern lights go outside.

Thanks so much!



Active Member
nice man im growing 6 outdoors right now 3 are in flower they are afghan and 3 still in vegetative for some reason. Your grow is lookin good man ... as for the hybrid i dont know exactly how all that works yet it might just be forced flowered have you had it on constant light 24/0 ? no 12/12 to force flowering right ?


Well-Known Member
If you have budding with constant light, your hybrid definitely has the ruderalis phenotype from the autoflower. Its going to do its own thing for certain, just make sure you keep checking it for being done. God only knows when its going to finish so you'll have to watch. If you can swing the budding one on your deck, I would. Its not going to make any new growth, just expand out a bit.

Darker colored plants make me giddy. They're usually crappy or bomb fuck awesome, not really in between. Thats personal experience talking, not established fact.

Good luck man!


Well-Known Member
If you have budding with constant light, your hybrid definitely has the ruderalis phenotype from the autoflower. Its going to do its own thing for certain, just make sure you keep checking it for being done. God only knows when its going to finish so you'll have to watch. If you can swing the budding one on your deck, I would. Its not going to make any new growth, just expand out a bit.

Darker colored plants make me giddy. They're usually crappy or bomb fuck awesome, not really in between. Thats personal experience talking, not established fact.

Good luck man!
Well the light is on from 7am to 10pm, so about 15-16 hours (I say about, because I recently decreased it from 16 to 15 hours, to match the sunlight outside, so when I get them out there, they won't be shocked or anything). I stick them on the balcony from the very moment I get sun on it, to the moment it starts getting weak at around 7pm and then back under the CFLs to about 10pm. (timer)

You think the dark one is going to stay that short? (since it's flowering...I am 99% sure it DOES have the ruderalis phenotype, since the White Dwarf had it, and it was an autoflowering one).

It has only been growing since the last week of April, so it is no where near done. I had the White dwarfs growing for almost....oh jeez, in Spain (while living there) I had them November to about May. They were slow to grow, but man did they ever come out juicy hehe.

Honest to God guys, I know each strain varies, but how long should I have them for? I read that outdoors, most plants are ready in about October, if they were planted in June (early June). Is that about right?

I know that with the hybrid, it will probably be sooner, around August most likely. We will see, I might just, as you said "deck it" and keep it on the balcony, since I doubt it will get any taller, just fatter.


Well-Known Member

I found some pics of the original strains! haha I actually found some old threads I started here a couple years ago, and they have pics of the two strains that the mini hyrbid got it's genes from!

Click the photos in the first post in the threads

When the bigger of the two parents started flowering: <<<< CLICK LINK
When it was 3 weeks from being done: <<<<< CLICK LINK

*** it took a LONG time for those to get from pics A to pics B (starting to full and juicy bud...I have a feeling it will be the same with my Homemade Hybrid).

The little midget parent:
When it first started flowering: <<<<<< CLICK LINK
Mid way-ish: <<<<<< Click Link

Also, I am attaching original photos of them:

In the third pic you can see BOTH strains together in one closet, in my first apartment, and those are the two that created my hybrid.

Essentially what I am showing you with all these pics is what the parents were, so maybe you can give me tips on how to deal with this new Hybrid I have. Should I keep it as an indoor/balcony plant, or toss it outdoors with the Norther Lights, and should I wait to see if it gets all nice and fat like it's parents?



Well-Known Member
I'm a little lost man. So which one did you get the seeds from, the white rhino? And you think that got pollinated by the White Dwarf? Also, the White Dwarf parent is a female, so you think it might have slightly hermied or something to produce the pollen? I'm just curious, it seems like you have a pretty interesting grow going with this hybrid. How many seeds did you get, just the one you planted?

As for planting them outside, I'd say go for it. I have 2 autos going outside now and they are doing great. The one is about 5 weeks old and flowering nice. In my experience, the bigger they are, the greater chance they have of survival, but I've put plants out that were only 4" high and only on their 3rd or 4th node and they survived. I use moth balls, soap, garlic powder, and cayenne pepper all sprinkled around and that usually keeps the critters away.


Well-Known Member
I'm a little lost man. So which one did you get the seeds from, the white rhino? And you think that got pollinated by the White Dwarf? Also, the White Dwarf parent is a female, so you think it might have slightly hermied or something to produce the pollen? I'm just curious, it seems like you have a pretty interesting grow going with this hybrid. How many seeds did you get, just the one you planted?

As for planting them outside, I'd say go for it. I have 2 autos going outside now and they are doing great. The one is about 5 weeks old and flowering nice. In my experience, the bigger they are, the greater chance they have of survival, but I've put plants out that were only 4" high and only on their 3rd or 4th node and they survived. I use moth balls, soap, garlic powder, and cayenne pepper all sprinkled around and that usually keeps the critters away.
That my friend, is FANTASTIC advice Re: the critters. I forgot about the cayenne pepper for squirrels!

The hybrid is as follows (at least I think): I had 10 White dwarves growing. Out of those 10, 3 were males. However, I believe that they got a chance to pollinate the White rhinos (rhino's were flowering about that time - I was away for a long weekend and I think that's when it happened). The White Rhino was Pollinated, but I hadn't noticed. The males were tossed, and the flowering went to harvest. As I am sure you know the story, I noticed seeds in my product, and took them out and saved them for another day (the current experiment). I actually got 19 seeds out of it haha (I had 2 white rhino's and BOTH got pollinated).

I planted 4 of the hybrid seeds this year. As luck would have it, 2 were males, 1 is the autoflowering weirdo I have now, and 1 germinated, I put it in soil...and it rotted away :S weird. I maybe could have had another female, but w/e. I still have 15 seeds lol.


Well-Known Member
Thats pretty cool man. Keep us posted if you have time. I was wondering what would happen if you would cross an auto with a non auto. I would have guessed maybe 25% to 50% would keep the auto flowering characterists.

How did the rest of the White Dwarf females turn out? I have one going outside that is about 3 weeks old, and since I really haven't seen very many people growing it, I'm not sure what to expect. Do you remember how long they took to finish and what the yeild/smoke was like? Any info would be great man!


Well-Known Member
Well the white dwarves *I* had (note emphasis on the "I", meaning it was my first grow and I might have f*cked up), they came out pretty small, BUT they were just little balls fo goodness, chalk full of THC rich bud. I attached a pic of what mine looked like finished. Again, remember, my strain was a tiny strain, hence the "dwarf". Mayeb you have some American strain of the same name, that is bigger. You should probably let me know, that way we'll see if we're on the same page, and I can give accurate info.

As for how long, they were Germinated in november of 2007, and I had them harvested in mid-end of May 2008. So, average 4 weeks per month, X 6 months.... 24 weeks total? Sound about right? It took them a while to get nice. I may have waited a little longer.

I will tell you this....SUPER nice smoke out of the ones I had. My bud smokes a lot more than I do, and he's tried lots of different strains, and he said this one was nice and smooth, decent flavour, nothing too harsh. Very smokeable :) (I remember it giving off a very nice odour being burned, nothing like a harsh dimebag skunk or anything crappy, hokus-pokus-ey).

So take a look at the plant, and let me know if you have the same kind. mine were indoor all year, they were autoflower, and I had 7 of them, they all looked the same in the end.

PS sorry about the "type" in the picture, I was using the pic in this thread earlier haha (to describe the parents).

Anyway, it's not a commonly used strain, I guess due to it's tiny size. HOWEVER, it is a very cool plant to use in a hybrid, using it's males to pollinate extra large strains of sativa(or any other lanky kind of plant) of the outdoor variety, in which case you might get med-sized autoflowering plants, with some indica tendencies. Quite a nice experiment parent-base. I really was shocked the autoflowering characteristics came through.

To be honest, I am almost tempted to collect some of the pollen off the two males that grew this year (haha, if you're wondering why I still have the males... my mom thought it'd be nice to add some greenery to her room! LOL yea, my folks are ok with me growing one or two plants for fun, as long as they get planted outdoors after), and cross it with my Northern Lights. Or maybe save some pollen, and next year, sprout my remaining NL seeds, and designate one a ((White Rhino X White Dwarf) X Northern Lights) cross. See if the Auto-flower traits go across still, but if I can get a larger plant with nice buds, and more NL traits.

I love horticulture. haha

**EDIT: I was reading your grow journal. Buddha Seedbank White Dwarf, right? yup, same strain.

AND BELIEVE me.... I messed up with them, since I was a noob. They needed bigger pots, more light, more attention. All 7 grew up that small. All of them...I know why too. During their veg, at one point, my roomie and I both went on vacation. The CFL bulb above them died mid vacation, and we got back to droppy plants. All survived, but all were scarred by the stressful event. :(

If you look on the Buddha site, they show the White Dwarf as bigger. If mine had grown bigger, I probably could have had better genetics in my seeds for the hybrid. Also, I probably didn't give my hybrid enough light. Or maybe they're just that small? My NL's receive the exact same amount of light and they're over a foot now, still vegging, and it's been 1.5 months.

One more thing: Look at this: the RED DWARF they created. Looks sorta like my situaton! White Dwarf X a larger strain!

THe weird thing about my plants is, on the Buddha site (well the spanish version I was reading lol), it said that the White Dwarf flowers in 2 months.... My hybrid is already flowering at ONE month....that's 4-6 weeks in.!



Well-Known Member
emilio613 how long did you veg the plant in the pic that says larger parent plant
That one was vegged quite a long time, from what I remember, I think 9 weeks or so (I was going on info I received from other users on here, and was doing it by the book! or so I hope I did!).


Well-Known Member
Yeah I think we might be talking about a different white dwarf. The one I'm growing is an autoflower from Buddha I bought from the Attitude I bought about 2 months ago. These are suppose to finish in 60 to 70 days under any lighting condition, so if you had yours going almost 6 months, we might be talking about a different strain. I was going to save it for a future indoor grow, but I figure I'm better off doing autoflowers outside since I can always just do 12/12 from seed indoors if I want to grow fast.


Well-Known Member
Well as I said, it was Whtie Dwarf from Buddha Seedbank (in Spain, I guess). Mine went for a long time, but it maybe related to the bad lighting they had for a while. (aka slow to grow).