Should Outdoor Plants Be Flowering Now?


Well-Known Member
I am growing 5 Northern Lights which I germinated from 10 seeds. 9 seeds germinated, 3 were males, the rest I believe to be female. Almost all of the plants have shown their preflowers but two of them seem to be budding. I was expecting to harvest these in September or October. Should these plants be budding this early in the outdoor sun?



Well-Known Member
no they shouldn't....but it happens...and it happens to all of us outdoor growers sometimes.
Do you know what causes the plants to start to bud since they are not on a 12/12 light cycle? Should I let them take their course and harvest in several weeks?

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Do you know what causes the plants to start to bud since they are not on a 12/12 light cycle? Should I let them take their course and harvest in several weeks?
Planting too early will cause it. In a lot of cases like this the plant will revert back to vegging. I don't think you'll be harvesting those any time soon. They've still got plenty of growing time left in them. I'd keep feeding them veg nuts.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Here's some pics I took today of one of my plants coming out of flowering and going back into veg. Sorry for the bad photo quality. But if you look close those weird twisted round leaves are actually parts of the bud turning into leaves.



Well-Known Member
I don't think you'll be harvesting those any time soon. They've still got plenty of growing time left in them. I'd keep feeding them veg nuts.
That was my next question. If I should continue giving the grow/veg nutes or bloom nutes. I have been keeping an eye on them and the buds seem to be getting bigger and on one of the plants, the white hairs are starting to change color.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
That was my next question. If I should continue giving the grow/veg nutes or bloom nutes. I have been keeping an eye on them and the buds seem to be getting bigger and on one of the plants, the white hairs are starting to change color.
yeah id keep feeding them veg nutes...cuz if the white hairs are turnin brown and shrivelin up a bit that means its getting ready to you might as well let them reveg and then your overall harvest might be even larger


Well-Known Member
To be honest, I am tempted to see what happens to my plants if I feed them bloom nutes and let them take their course even thoough they are not on a 12/12 light cycle. I am am tired of dropping my hard earned money at the dispensary.

I will continued using the veg/grow nutes for this mornings feeding. We'll see if the plants revert back to the vegging state.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
To be honest, I am tempted to see what happens to my plants if I feed them bloom nutes and let them take their course even thoough they are not on a 12/12 light cycle. I am am tired of dropping my hard earned money at the dispensary.

I will continued using the veg/grow nutes for this mornings feeding. We'll see if the plants revert back to the vegging state.
The first signs will be bud leafs growing out. You're plants will grow a big single leaf and then a set of tipped leafs. Then they'll go back to growing 5's and 7's etc.

Bloom nuts won't encourage them to bloom if that's what you're thinking. That's regulated entirely by the light cycle. They days are really long right now, most likely they will revert. Don't worry, this is good for you in the long run. Another month or two of vegging = better yield. The reason I recommend veg nuts are for the higher nitrogen content to get em bigger. The reveging process isn't something that happens in a day, be patient. Bloom nuts won't hurt your plants or anything, just won't give em the nitro to get bigger.


Well-Known Member
not enough info. depends on where you are growing. How long are your nights? My male plants started showing sex 2 weeks ago but the days here are still longer.
:-o+bongsmilie=:sleep: haha


not enough info. depends on where you are growing. How long are your nights? My male plants started showing sex 2 weeks ago but the days here are still longer.
:-o+bongsmilie=:sleep: haha
there's cajuns in PA? :-P

It should just let it re veg like the others have said, you want a oz and a 1/2 off that baby.
1.5oz.... have you ever grown outside? or does everything that comes out of your mouth make no sense?


Well-Known Member
I live in Southern California and I keep my plants outside where they can get the most sun. The males showed flowers several weeks ago and I pulled them. Its just these two that are budding the others are showing some of the white hairs but they haven't shown any signs of buds yet.


I live in Southern California and I keep my plants outside where they can get the most sun. The males showed flowers several weeks ago and I pulled them. Its just these two that are budding the others are showing some of the white hairs but they haven't shown any signs of buds yet.

it can happen..... i had the same thing go on with my current grow... 3hijack all started budding; two reverted, one didnt... they are now all inside under 12/12, but it is still about 3-4weeks ahead of the other two in flower..... they may not revert at all... may just get a early piece of harvest


Well-Known Member
How will I know if my two girls are reverting back to the vegetative stage? If they don't, then should I start feeding with bloom nutes?