should this be happening at week 3


Well-Known Member
i can see yr growing in soil, but what kind? tell us more.. what lights, nutes, how much water?? they are pretty tiny for week three as well, they look like they're from seed right? what strain?


Active Member
right this a long story, i stared off in coir pots with B&Q specialist compost and perlite about 15% i thought it was a good idea the coir pots at the time, it turns out that they are not a good idea, all the water evaporated out the side of the pot, i was watering daily and mold was also growing out the side of pots, not good not good at all. so i decided to re-pot them in nice pots like you think you would use if you were going to spend all that time and money on worth while endeavor i also changed most of the soil for bio bizz light mix i did this Monday and not watered them since.(about two weeks one day into the grow) i am using three CFLs i think they are eighteen watts each i borrowed them off a friend he has used them before without any problems. i have the nutrients bio bizz bloom and bio bizz grow i also have bio bizz alg-a-mic i did start giving them nutrients i started them at two mls two the liter i gave them 15 mills of diluted nutrients with 30 mls of water from week one to week two but stopped when the tips of the leaves went yellow. Yes there are from seed i went with Mazar because they are supposed to be a small plant but not that small


Well-Known Member
Well you shouldn't feed any nutes till they are about a month old and seeing as they have been thru a lot of stress with transplant I would give them a couple of week to bounce back and they should be fine. But I would get some 23w daylight cfls if I were you.


Well-Known Member
dude that shit happen to my plants as no expert but i came to the conclusion that it might be something to do with the ph or your soil to rough..
that was my you might want to check em..and bout the nutes!!!
i gave my lil ones nutes and nothing bad happen as long as you use 1/4 of nute for each gallon of water..but hey someone might not agree with me and they will talk some shiit..


Active Member
yer i think it might be caus of the stress theyve bein through
+ i dont believe in loadin em up on nutes that small wait till there a bit bigger theyre only babies


Well-Known Member
gotta agree with all i've read here, lay off the nutes, make sure the cfl's are only an inch or 2 away, and let those babies recover, just be patient