Show Me What You Got LST?


Well-Known Member
THanks guys, my temps are 81day 71night.

This plant did its purple thing without low temps. The buds started purpleing up very early, and she is very sticky!


Well-Known Member
Gotta love a shower full of weed. I'm subbed to your journal, I want to see all the harvest bud porn.


Well-Known Member
Ok i been hiding my pics in the colorado section but ill throw ya a bone here with one of the lst i did.
week2 g13#2.jpg

thats a 2 week old g13/haze cross (ignore the attachment i tried to erase it)



Well-Known Member
She isnt actually that purple the pic is just kinda dark cause i took it with me cell. However to answer your Q. the strain is a G13-haze cross.
heres a pic of her a week later
week3 g13 #2.jpg


Active Member
Here are my updated pics. I took a groups shot after the lights went out so the colors and image would be better. They are putting on weight now and I am super excited! I picked up some tiger bloom yesterday as the leaves are yellowing and I didn't have a real good fertilizer. Hopefully it will help.

I have been growing from seed for 15 years and this is my first attempt with clones (3 clones with 6 from seed). The clones look good (see pics ending in PA for "Purple Arrow") but not as full as the seed plants (ending in HDF "heavy duty fruity"). the seeds had a head-start on the clones, though. The next grow will be only clones as an experiment.




Well-Known Member
yea you can kinda see the 4 main branches are bent down and all the inner nodes stretching to make tops...shes pretty happy


Active Member
update week 6-ish: still going strong, but getting a lot of yellowing on the leaves. As I mentioned in my last update, I started adding tiger bloom (1/2 strength of recommended), along with molasses for the last two waterings. Should I add some more heavy nitrogen or could it be because they are sort of nearing the finish? One of the heavy duty fruity has gone purple. I have had this happen before - it's an odd phenotype or whatever from the strain. All of the HDF is really good, but this purple stuff has everything I like. Very compact and dense buds, very potent, mellow high, mellow & tasty smoke and it smells VERY strongly like blueberry muffins. I want to clone it, but I will more on that in a more appropriate thread/section. THanks!



Well-Known Member
lg77 and rbico you guys got some dank buds! Great work you two!!!

Keep them coming in LSTers!!! Show what you got!!!

