Showing Sex In Southern New England


Well-Known Member
Was wondering if any one in southern new england or the area was showing sex yet, preflowers, or when you expected them to show sex.


Well-Known Member
Yes, all of my girls but one, she is a huge sativa and I am really hoping I don't have to bring her inside to finish. Had one lonesome male with balls of fire, he got ripped and sent packing.


Active Member
yeh, my plants are outside. I have 5 pants that I 12/12'd about 3 weeks ago, and I have 7 plants (2 in pots, 5 in the ground) that I am letting nature bud. I was thinking of starting it, but they are not too big yet, and I want to largest yield possible without the investment. any pointers you can give?


Active Member
what does a male plant look like? i realize the sacs and white threads are signs of the female, but what distinguishes a male? i have stringy growths comgin from the nodes, but not "thready white". thoughtS?


Well-Known Member
Male has balls just like you have (assuming you are a male) At the nodes they have a bunch of pollen sacs (their balls) filled with pollen (sperm) .. sounds like you have a female by the way you described stringy growths.. Your plant will start stringy hair like structures that will begin to almost twine together.