Shroom cultivation: Few Quick Q's


Well-Known Member
Okay, so I understand the basics. I am going to do my first batch without a pressure cooker and boil the jars in a big pot with a lid.
Once innoculated I let the mushrooms sit(22-27degrees) with no light until the jar colonizes white with mycelia. A few weeks later my cakes should be ready to go onto the "fruition phase". I now will put them into a container of some sort with a substrate(vermiculite). Now they should be getting 4-12 hours of indirect light daily correct? Does there have to be very good airflow to this container? How can i protect my shrooms during this phase? Any help appreciated guys.


Active Member
ok, first i never recommend using the boil method. your contamination rate will sky rocket. if your using the cake method even a small pressure cooker will work. i wouldnt get anything smaller then a 12qt. the 23 qt is $80 on amazon. i think thats an awesome deal.

To answer your ventilation question, u have some options. the easiest, is a medium sized plastic container that you can seal shut. then soak perlite in a strainer then tap it a little so it isnt dripping. (u want it wet, but not dripping wet) then dump it into the plastic tub till you have about 3 inches of perlite. this will help maintain humidity, as the water evaporates of the perlite it creates humidity. next right above the perlite line make a hole about the size of a quarter. then get a fist full of "poly-fil" (its pillow/stuffed animal stuffing, found and craft stores) and stick it in the hole. this will allow "freash air exchange" mushrooms breath o2 just like us, and they give off co2. co2 is heavier then air, so you want the holes low, and this will allow the co2 to drain out. if not the mushrooms will choke on it. and they will grow skinny and deformed. oh, and your going to want to make a second hole exactly like the first, preferably adjacent to the first hole

Now that is your basic container. your going to have to fan this container, and mist it at least 3 times a day. (when you wake up, when you return from work/school, and before bed.)
you are going to want to mist the walls and lid of this container, so that you have water droplets. you can use the water droplets as some what of a gauge. if the water droplets are almost gone between mistings, your not misting enough. you want to try to maintain the water droplets on the walls and lid.

also as a bonus, you can run an air line into the container, and have a air stone in a cup of water. this will both help maintain the humidity, and bring in fresh o2. and create a positive pressure to help drain the co2.

i hope this helped, and other questions?
you can pm me if you want.


Well-Known Member
High Air flow, or FAE ( frequent air exchange ) and HIGH humidity, those two things in ur fruiting chamber. Make sure its soaking wet with perlite or something and make sure air exchange occurs and u are correct about the light....doesnt need alot of light at alll. And well yea, good luck!!!

Oh and ive grown cambodians and i quite like em, id say cambos but they are all really similar. So yea just go with which ever one u prefer
