Sick girl.... weird spots on leaves... Help!

Oh great guru gods of the ganja, one again I call to you for your assistance!

My remaining plant is showing some weirdness. She has lots of brown and/or yellow spots. First they were just on the very first fan leaves that had been around a long time, so I didn't think much about it. a couple fell off on their own, and I helped one or two a couple of weeks ago. Now, it seems to be spreading to everything, but affecting the oldest leaf growth first. Other than the minor trim that and some early LST, she's been well taken care of.

It's on day 43 of 12/12 under lots of CFL wattage, and even rotates to make sure the lights reach everything they can. I was feeding with MG 15-30-15 for the first 30 days of flowering, but have since switched to nothing but water and Budswel from The Guano Company. The pot is only a three gallon, so I water daily with around two quarts of the mixture and will switch to plain water as she gets a bit closer to the finish line. There's two inches of perlite in the bottom, and the rest is MG soil (yes, I know). my daily waters never result in spillage, so I don't think I'm overwatering...

Here are a few pics. Any suggestions are much appreciated!!! HELP ME SAVE MY LAST GIRL! :)



Well-Known Member
did you flush before switching to 12 / 12 and switching to flowering nutes? My guess is a build up of N in the soil creating a low PH and burning the leaves by adding the budswel.


Well-Known Member
Ok whatever it is i think first you need to flush and flush a lot, then leave the soil to evenly dry before watering again. Watering every day is bad for soil grows, pH looks off and probably nute burn making it worse. You can cure or eliminate these problems by flushing a lot and watering when the pot feels light again. After the flush give the plant 24/48 hours and if the leaves aren't starting to stretch up then you got problems.

You got bad watering habits, plants need wet and dry periods to drink and breath, water, wait few days till plant has used all the water and water again.

Did you add ferts in the veg period and repot up to this size of pot?
No, I've never flushed. I made the mistake of listening to an old timer that hasn't grown in years with the MG, mostly because I was worried about even reading a forum like this, much less joining one. He even gave me some of his personal stash of the 15-30-15 that you can't get anymore!

So after rethinking her entire life, I remembered a couple of things that are likely relevant....

She started in the same pot she's in with 9 friends in the MG soil, more as a "let's see what happens if..." moment than a serious attempt to grow. They stayed on a table near a window in a spare bedroom for several weeks, and were watered now and again when I thought about it. I did some spring cleaning and wanted to throw them away, but couldn't bring myself to do it. I wound up separating them by soaking the pot under water for a couple of hours and then gently pulling them while spraying water around the roots. Then I took the best looking 6 and planted them in their own 1/2 gallon or so pots in the same MG soil and put them under around 90 actual watts of CFL for about 4 weeks 24/7. Four turned up male and made it to the compost pile. The two remaining were transplanted into the 3 gallon pots from the one gallon pots by tapping the sides and pulling the whole "plug" out. I put two inches of perlite in the bottom of the 3 gallon pots, placed the plants on the perlite, and yep, you guessed it, filled in around the sides and covered the top with the same MG soil! I always watered with 1/2 tsp MG 15-30-15 to 2 liters of water because I read just enough to think that the 30 would help with flowering, my mistake. Another old timer that has more recent experience gave me the Budswel and suggested that I switch to that immediately, which I did on day 31. For the last 12 days, they've had Budswel once per day without flooding the pot.

When you say "flush", are you talking like sit the pot in the sink and run water through the soil until it's clear, or... ?

I have a suggestion for you don't use Miracle Gro:lol:
And I have one for you as well, but since I don't know you I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and keep it to myself, this time. :)

I'm really not sure what the problem is so I flushed the soil and won't give her anything but water from here on out. Thanks for the help (and smart-ass comment) everyone!


Active Member
I agree with everyone on the flush, but I didnt see anyone say anything about you feeding your plants every day. you do not need to feed your plants every watering. once a week should suffice. also every time you water you should have a little run off. this helps keep salts down... seriously a good flush and back off on the feeding everyday. should be fine.
I agree with everyone on the flush, but I didnt see anyone say anything about you feeding your plants every day. you do not need to feed your plants every watering. once a week should suffice. also every time you water you should have a little run off. this helps keep salts down... seriously a good flush and back off on the feeding everyday. should be fine.
So are you saying that I should water with plain water without the budswel daily as I've been doing, and then water with the budswel mixture once per week?

BTW, I flushed last night and tonight the soil is completely dry about two inches down from the top. I carefully pulled the plant out of the pot to check moisture, etc., and the entire "plug" is almost completely white with roots. Any concerns there?



Well-Known Member
but have since switched to nothing but water and Budswel from The Guano Company
Did the symptoms appear before or after you decided to switch to budswel.


Well-Known Member
Ok you flushed so leave it there, may need another flush next watering which is another problem! Don't add water to soil everyday, you do it once so the whole pot is wet and leave it to dry for a few days, then when the weight of the pot feels light again it is time to water. Also you are giving far too many ferts, with those repots i fail to see even why you needed any ferts in the first place. Mg just goes on providing nutes, last foor quite a long time.

If you had some garden lime, epsom salts, pH/ec meter and a good pH'd flush i reckon you might just stabalise the soil. This would reset the pH/ferts and whatever other problems it may have then just plain water with touch of mag until you are certain they are asking for ferts. Seriously, mg soil and loads of ferts, here is a recipie for disaster. Think smart and try to solve all the problems now so she can live out the rest of her days peacefully. Good luck dude.


Well-Known Member
I would pull that plant out of that pot that it looks like it may be too big for now. Don't worry about potting up your plant in flower (should love you for it after a day or so of it's new home. Just a slightly bigger pot that enables your roots to stretch a bit. Flushing is okay but also removes a lof from the soil, so when I flush I flush with a micro nutrient mixture in the flush, all those beneficials like MG, B, FE, ZN, etc will help your plant get back on track. Looks like it is leaning towards a sativa dom plant so again, better with a bigger pot. This will enbable you also to stop watering it every day. I water every second day as I also like my plants to be getting fresh supplies and wicking up water. Good luck bru, DST


Well-Known Member
flush then repot next watering, you need a lot of perlite or drainage to be watering every two days in soil.