sick leaves


Active Member
hey guys just wanting to know whats going wrong wid my babies some of the lower leaves are going a lighter green an have heaps of white specles on them is this a neutriant problem a mate said maybe add some potash would that be right or is it something else can someone please please help


Well-Known Member
I can perfectly understand that. If I knew the answer, I would tell you but, I dont so possibly someone who is polite will come along and answer that for you, If you want to make the anal people here happy, put a couple periods in your paragraph....


Well-Known Member
I didnt say that YOU were being anal, I said if you wanna make anal people here happy then use periods. thats all.


Active Member
cheers for the replys guys an ill write proper sentences to make it easyier for you to read ive put a pic up of one of the leaves to show you whats wrong in see if anyone knows whats wrong cheers

