Sick Plants Please HELP. Picture(s)


Well-Known Member
I have several leaves that are beginning to show signs of what I think may be a potassium deficiency. The problem is only showing up on the bottom set of leaves on maybe 4 of the plants. I had been using a fairly low concentration of nutrients with every watering. The last time I watered I decided to give them just water which is why I think they are showing deficiency signs. The pots are still too wet to water again to feed them the nutes. Anyone agree that it is a potassium deficiency or do I perhaps have another problem on my hands?


Well-Known Member
from the link he gave u might have the following
Manganese deficiency
calcium deficiencies
Potassium deficiency

but ur plant looks more like it has Manganese deficiency


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the great link. Yeah judging by that it looks like it could be a slight mixture of Phosphorous and Manganese def. I'll do my best to correct that ASAP.