Signing UP


Just signed the petition proposing legalization of MJ here in Michigan for all, thats was at one the the local grow stores I buy from, hope all the ppl who applied for their MMJ Cards at least would do the same..... I was hoping that the one to recall Bill Schuette would be there too but It wasn't...dang...sure would like to get rid of him...LOLbongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie


Active Member
Thats cool..... I was at a local grow shop today by my house, they didnt one there. But then again they just opened up this week.

I will sign one as soon as I see one.


Well-Known Member for all info on the 2012 Mi full legalization push. This is the Organization taking on the huge effort in the Mi legalization campaign. Its a Fully Volenteer effort right now, and we can use all the hands on deck we can get. need 320,000 sigs by 1st of June. want to turn in over 500,000 by then. make sure it gets to the ballot.

In the meantime, i ask you to please write, call, visit, email or otherwise contact your local Representatives and Senators for your Districts, and Let them Know you Do Not Support ANY amendments to the 08 MMM Act. Should we lose the 08 Act, and their is any problem with the full legalization drive, we registered to the MMM Program will become fodder for Bill Shuettes Drive to become the Federal Attorney General If Mitt Romney gets to nomination and wins the election. Bill is Mitts TOP Campaign Manager here in Mi, and Gov Snyder gave Smitt Mitt his endorsement tonight. Imagine that. We MUST stop all efforts to modify, alter, change or otherwise destroy our current 08 Act. Or we are all fucked...