Silica Blast and Aqua Shield


New Member
I am flowering my Super Lemon Haze now with a flower formula of :

1) 126ml Cal-Mag Plus
2) 150ml Sweet
3) 180ml Liquid Karma
4) 540ml Pure Bend Pro Bloom

adding occasional Great White.

I see a lot of people using Silica Blast and Aqua Shield are they necessary and worth the money? I mean if I don't need it I hate to spend it but if its going to help a noticeable difference then I might go with it. I read on their website what it does (I think) but maybe someone can put it into laymens terms for me.

Nubby Tubbs

New Member
i got some botanicare samples...what flavor sweet are u using, have u used it before, and how does it taste?


New Member
i got some botanicare samples...what flavor sweet are u using, have u used it before, and how does it taste?
I got the Berry.. never used it before first run with this whole nute receipe. Was using General Hydroponics. I wanted to try some organics.

dutch black

I use SWEET the berry formula, been using it religiously for about 5 years. My ladies are always nice and tasty. Just started using CAL MAG about a month ago, seems to be helping to keep lower foliage green. Also got some of the raw flavored SWEET at a grow show but haven't used it yet.


Well-Known Member
Aquashield is a collection of bacillis bacteria. Great White has the same strains plus much more, so using Aquashield would be redundant.


New Member