Silly weird Smell ( or lack of ) question..


Well-Known Member
I'm new, this is my first grow. I know how beautiful buds are when i would get them to smoke, but i've never experienced them fresh on a plant.

So my plant is getting some decent buds, but they smell weird. They dont smell anything like when theyre ready to smoke. It's not a hay smell or a mold smell, just funky, but not funky weed in a good way. Is this common? Does the smell change after they cure?

Sorry for the odd question, but i just couldn't seem to find the answer to this anywhere. And i can't seem to find the way to explain my smell either :)


Well-Known Member
Mine started out smelling like a sweet melon and cured smelling the same.

When it was ripening there was this kind of cat piss chemical smell in the back ground.


Well-Known Member
Of the strains I've grown I might get a different smell every time. I think it is because I keep experimenting with soil light temps nutes...........
So if it ain't hay, it's prolly OK.
Are you seeing trich?
Try rubbing the stem gently and smell your fingers that might give you a clue.
Good luck.


Like you, I'm in my first grow, so I'm pretty naive to all this. I'm growing just plain ol' Afghan. When my plants were in veg/bloom, they smelled like a skunk was living under the house. I was terrified someone would report me. I harvested my plants just this past Monday (five days ago) and now they've suddenly taken on a rather pleasant smoky aroma.

Of course this doesn't mean your experience will be the same, and this doesn't really answer your question. Just to let you know that aromas do change and they can change quickly.

Good luck to you. Growing is turning into a wonderful hobby for me and the community here has been very supportive.


Well-Known Member
I thought this thread was about pussy, sigh....

She asked me to kiss her where it smells the worst, so I took her across the bridge and made out with her in Jersey!

Jimmy Sparkle

Well-Known Member
Like a cross between something musky but very "plant like" and maybe a touch of some sort of solvent but very faint. As plants mature it changes , usually getting stronger and muskier but not always as others mentioned. In general, the way it smells fresh on the plant will change several times but not always lol and when its finished curing it wont smell anything like it did before it was smokeable usually but not always lol. Touch and smell along the way, its a fantastic trip. Dont worry about "rubbing" off or damaging the trichomes. The plant continuously replenishes these up until you cut them . Yes they do lol...


Well-Known Member
My wife just told me it smells moldy... But I don't see mold anywhere...
I think it is normal. I've had a few moldy smelling plants but they didn't have mold of course. Some plants just smell off until they're cut down and cured.


Well-Known Member
yeah, actual bud rot has a very slight sweet smell, doesn't smell "moldy"
Well I think it just occurred to me what it is.. i think it's nutrients I smell. I was just mixing them up and it and it hit me that it was familiar to the plant... specifically the Advanced Nutrient B52 I'm using... is that possible, and will it go away after I flush??