Silver on my Leafs

okay, soooo..... i had that stupid white powdery mildew on my plants...(f$%kin A, rt?) sooo i got some safer brand stuff and used it about 2 days ago(heavy dose of it) now on my leaves there is this silver shine to it.... i have no f$%king idea what it is... maybe its just the solution killing all the bad stuff? no idea. this is all soil indoor. using the whole bio-canna line. HELP PLEASE!!!:o:o:o:o:o
oh also, im sure this is my own dumb fault.... i think i might have ODed a little on the nutrients( been using canna for a year now, this is my third try with it) and have never had this issue. soooooo the leaves look like they also have dried up water droplets on it. i was told i should just flush it with water and rizotonic for a little with no bio veg or canazym.
{like an actual metallic luster? pics or it didn't happen}

yes!!!!!! i recently had my iphone jacked at the gym.... so no pictures as of now...:( its kinda weird.... what is it?

nope, like i said, it came two days after using SAFER BRAND:GARDEN FUNGICIDE. but i sprayed regular water on it( as a test to a dozen of the plants) and now the shine has gone since this morning.... but other still have it? kinda trippy.


Well-Known Member
thats interesting i was thinking that maybe it was a reaction between the safer bond and other residue on the leaves from feeding but apparently that isn't the case huh. well as long as it comes off with plain water no big deal I guess maybe the product just does that?
ya kinda a weird mix.. thanks for the help though! did u see my second post? caz water isnt getting rid of the white stuff on top of the others


Well-Known Member
ya kinda a weird mix.. thanks for the help though! did u see my second post? caz water isnt getting rid of the white stuff on top of the others
but it did on some? try reapplying the product you have to the ones that still have the white stuff maybe in two days it will wash of like the rest did?