Simple One Site Bubble Cloner...


Active Member
Great posts and pics !! I really like them both and may have to tweek the one that I am currently building. Thanks so very much for the posts Budd :-)


Active Member
:leaf:Them air stones might work, but i'd go with something bigger.:leaf:
The pet store should have some blue 4" air stones.


Active Member

:leaf:Nice new 6 site. $45ish. Almost put this girl into bloom.:leaf:
Just going to use it as a mother so 2012 gets it good.
Doin 6 every 3 weeks, with a 9 week bloom cycle.
:leaf:This is what happens when you don't take the time to clean:leaf:
Out of 5, 2 got a small set of roots and it only took 18 days!!!
The other 3 died.


Active Member
Ok I just started researching bubble cloners so bear with me. Do you submerge the stem into the water or right above so the bubbles keep it moist? What is holding them in the holes?


Active Member
:leaf:I keep my stems about 1 inch from the top of the water.:leaf:
When they pop roots, the roots will be in the water.
Make sure you have lots of bubbles!!!
About to go load up the 8 site cloner too.
Gonna have both cloners under a new SunBlaze 28.
The rest of that mother will be going into Bloom.
