Single branches wilting


Hey all so I’ve noticed on 2 out of 4 plants about 2 weeks into flowering and I’m having single branches die overnight. I feed with nutrients twice a week and water when I notice the top layer is getting dry. The rest of the plant looks healthy but every other day a single branch will die. northeast grow.



I can deff see discoloration in affected branches off the main stem, however my unaffected plants (as of now) have the same color main stem.
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go go kid

Well-Known Member
Whats the humidity in the grow room like,
i have had branches fall off due to stem rot, but not all branches affected fell off
another thing you can do, is cut that stem off to help stop the spread of it. As long as its not a main stem and you would loose a bunch of branches.
but wait for another opinion,,it may be something else and there may be a cure for it.
how are your roots looking


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
It looks like fungus or other related disease. Spreading through the plant means it needs treatment ASAP. I am not familiar enough with the specifics but something systemic may be needed since it is spreading.


Well-Known Member
In my outdoor grow, I have had branches wilt while the rest of the plant is unaffected, and in every case it has been a stem borer. You can't always find the hole in the stalk, but you usually can.
Yuck! Finding these critters there is no death harsh enough for the damage they cause. WTF!


Well-Known Member
To me it looks like two things happened. One, a bore worm set up shop in the branch. And two, fungus decided to partner up with it.

Cut the bad branches now and treat the plant with bt or spinosad and potassium bicarbonate. If you act quickly you can save the rest.
Good luck friend!
I should add that the plants should be checked from top to bottom for more borers. When you find them, use a razor blade to split the stem and remove the little bastards.
I also would use some alcohol with the bt/spinosad and potassium bicarbonate. The alcohol is a great carrier for the bicarbonate and is also a contact killer for just about any pest you may have.


Well-Known Member
I think when pistils turn brown while using potassium bicarbonate it due to using it at the concentration recommended for roses.( I use it at half that rate or less) and from too much water being on the pistils too long. That's why I use the alcohol (it evaporates faster than straight water would) and then it kills any pests that are present at the same time.


Well-Known Member
I think when pistils turn brown while using potassium bicarbonate it due to using it at the concentration recommended for roses.( I use it at half that rate or less) and from too much water being on the pistils too long. That's why I use the alcohol (it evaporates faster than straight water would) and then it kills any pests that are present at the same time.
That interesting, I would have expected a half gallon of isopropyl to do some major damage to the trichomes. I use it for making hash.