

Master of Mayhem
Dude, I hate the main guy from paranormal state! He just seems like...I dunno, he just irritates me.

I like Ghost Hunters better, because they sit there and show you their evidence afterwards. I hate watching a show, and everyone starts going "Did you hear that?" "Did you see that?" "OMG what was that?" But it's like, I didn't see SHIT, so I'm not impressed.
I agree 100%. Paranormal State seems to be geared toward getting rid of the spirits, wheras Ghost Hunters just looks for evidence, reviews it, then says whether or not the place is haunted. I must also add that they have the best evidence by far. If you pay attention to the opening lines in Paranormal State you will notice that the main guy has a personal agenda. This is my favorite Ghost Hunters episode:

YouTube - Ghost Hunters - thermal vid clip


Well-Known Member
In hawaii its night marchers that are ghosts of ancient warriors. They roam large sections of the island chains, usually they are seen groups of torches... but Ive heard crazier things like marching through people (never pure hawaiians btw) and the people they go thru get somewhat possessed, they are screaming out in the hawaiian language and usually are bruised up badly...from getting stomped on. My algebra teacher in hs said that one sat on her chest and she couldnt breath, and that shes heard they will make your murder by them look like a natural cause of death. :shock::o:shock::oI was scared shitless every night I lived there so for over 10years. No joke.
my mom is from hawaii and has some scary ass stories about places where people were sacraficed in the old days. her and her friends would go chill in these ancient places and crazy shit would happen. also she would tell me stories about people stealing lava rock and bad things would happen to them. she would tell me that hawaiian people have thnigs they call menahunies that are like little evil creatures. i love hawaii though.:blsmoke::mrgreen:

Yeah they were!!! i remember that shit now. :eyesmoke:
yeah that shit was tripping me out. it was screaming or howling out in the woods and they had a medicine man try to get rid of it.:evil:

Dude, I hate the main guy from paranormal state! He just seems like...I dunno, he just irritates me.

I like Ghost Hunters better, because they sit there and show you their evidence afterwards. I hate watching a show, and everyone starts going "Did you hear that?" "Did you see that?" "OMG what was that?" But it's like, I didn't see SHIT, so I'm not impressed.
yeah i know what you mean, he seems arrogant or sometimes like he is gonna bust out in laughter when people tell him stuff. the thing about paranormal state is, everytime they have quiet time something scary or eerie happens. it seems a bit staged to me. paranormal stuff has always interested me even though i am a bit of a skeptic. on shows where they hunt for ghosts using pure science and taking an unbiased research approach, nothing spectacular ever happens. thats why paranormal state seems kind of staged to me because each show has something happen.:peace:


Well-Known Member
my mom is from hawaii and has some scary ass stories about places where people were sacraficed in the old days. her and her friends would go chill in these ancient places and crazy shit would happen. also she would tell me stories about people stealing lava rock and bad things would happen to them. she would tell me that hawaiian people have thnigs they call menahunies that are like little evil creatures. i love hawaii though.:blsmoke::mrgreen:
Yeah they were hella crazy and often did human sacrafices. The menehunes are people with a short stout stature, that used to inhabit the islands but they are bad and good...supposedly. This islands are def haunted and Ive seen several things happen there myself. I dont know anyone there who has not had some sort of experience.


Well-Known Member
I agree 100%. Paranormal State seems to be geared toward getting rid of the spirits, wheras Ghost Hunters just looks for evidence, reviews it, then says whether or not the place is haunted. I must also add that they have the best evidence by far. If you pay attention to the opening lines in Paranormal State you will notice that the main guy has a personal agenda. This is my favorite Ghost Hunters episode:

YouTube - Ghost Hunters - thermal vid clip
Yeah, I saw that episode, and it's stuff like that that I love to see!

And what you said about the guy from Paranormal State -- that's it! The guy takes it all too personally. He acts like he's in this personal war with demons and shit, it's kinda...arrogant, like masta said. Like come on dude, the super natural world is out to get YOU? What the fuck for? Who the hell are you anyways?


Active Member
'Skin walker' found guilty of sex abuse

Staff Report

PHOENIX — Leon Don Johnson, a 41-year-old elementary school student teacher in Chinle, has been found guilty of 10 counts of sexual abuse of a minor.

A federal jury in Prescott recently found Johnson of Wheatfields, Ariz., guilty. The trial evidence showed that Johnson had been sexually molesting a young female who was not one of his students.

Johnson was found to have committed the crimes of aggravated sexual abuse of a minor on Jan. 16, 1996, and April 1, 1998; sexual abuse by fear on April 10, 11, 12, 14, 18 and 19, 1999; and sexual abuse of a child on April 10, 1999.

Throughout this period, Johnson had threatened to kill the victim and a witness if they told anyone about the abuse.

On April 19, 1999, Johnson whipped and beat the victim.

That same day, Johnson realized the victim was going to disclose the abuse, so he donned the costume of a Navajo Skin Walker (a bad medicine man), including coyote and dog pelts, and conducted a ceremony at the location where the abuse had occurred.

During the ceremony, a witness overheard Johnson confessing to the sexual abuse and heard him curse the victim, her residence and the family's truck.

Johnson fled the scene that night and was arrested by special agents from the FBI in Gallup on April 26, 1999.

A conviction for aggravated sexual abuse of a minor carries a maximum penalty of life imprisonment, a $250,000 fine or both; a conviction for sexual abuse by threats carries a maximum penalty of 20 years imprisonment, a $250,000 fine or both; and a conviction for sexual abuse of a minor carries a maximum penalty of 15 years imprisonment, a $250,000 fine or both.

The investigation that led to the guilty verdicts was conducted by the FBI, the Navajo Department of Public Safety and Arizona Department of Public Safety.

The defendant has been in custody since his arrest and will remain in custody until his sentencing.

Man that shit is a trip. A ceremonial caught in the act :|


Well-Known Member
back in the 80's (heavy party days) i lived with friends in a rural area and we would hear a panther screaming at night it always scared the shit out of them but i was used to hearing them because i spent most of my summers with my cousins who lived way out in the boondocks. and panthers were always making a racket at night. its pretty funny to watch peoples reactions to weird noises. Peace