skunk supreme half way there


Well-Known Member
with all the research that I did, I still have learned allot as I went. outdoor growing is a whole new ball game, but feel that it was a good idea to learn how to use natural resources. with the way that the world is going who knows how much longer we can take advantage of nice things like electricity and running water? oh, and nothing could have prepared me for the anxiety that I have felt keeping those ladies outside. inside is much more controlled as far as me knowing exactly who can see them and who can't. don't get me wrong, I have them in a place that I am for sure that I will not get in trouble and I have cool neighbors but still there is that nagging thought. the hardest part has not been pulling them early cuz I want to smoke, but pulling them early cuz i am tired of stressing on their security. comes with the territory, I will just smoke a bowl, relax and stop thinking of scary shit. will post a few pics later.


Well-Known Member
yeah you been doing good i might start some in my yard next spring

start them in pots first, even if they are clones. I stared 3 in pots (the ones that are in the pics) and planted two bare root clones in the treated ground. the ones that were in the pots (clones to begin with) took the transplant (soil and all) rather well. the two that I planted straight to the ground, even tho healthy clones with large root structures, died with in a week. I tried everything to keep the two alive, but I just could not Jesus em. so I came to the conclusion that everything should be planted to a container with a controlled environment to ensure that they take before they are put in the ground.


Well-Known Member
I stared mine at the end of last june........i could only imagine what kind of monster they would have been if I stared april. don't think that I could plant any earlier then that because the grow season is really short here.


Well-Known Member
so I have been using molasses and have heard of people using brown sugar. any thoughts on the use of brown sugar in place of molasses?


Well-Known Member
oh yeah def gonna start some in pots outdoors next year
more power to ya brother! I put the rooted clones in like a 8" pot. after it perked up, which was a few days, I planted then in well worked organic soil. they went all organic during the veg grow but started feeding once a week like I described before.


Well-Known Member
well this morning is the second frost that I have had. the first one killed half of my mellons and squash leaves and that was a rather light frost. this morning was worse. everything was covered with frost and my tomatoes were almost solid. buds had melting frost on them @ 8 am. just checked em and everything looks normal. woohoo. thank ghan that there is not another frost for a few weeks.


Well-Known Member
do you think this is a strain of skunk?
it is possible. fat hairs and the leaf structure resemble........then again skunk paved the way for most of the indoor strains of today. you will find out after you cure it for sure. skunk definately has a strong pungent skunk order.


Well-Known Member
am thinking about 2 weeks left. hope that it is finished before my outdoor, gonna want some smoke for the trimin. hell just pull a few buds early. outdoor or indoor, I got me a fair amount of trimming to do............nothing compared to fdd or hodgegrown those guys grow shit like Batmans poison ivy.