slabhead's late season


Well-Known Member
you know i used to know a man...dman it my wifes grandfather ok!.. glad i got that out..hehee.. he used to tell me that where people go wrong in guerilla grows is that they want to grow too many. 1or2 plants under or next to a tall tree... these plants grow great in semi shade conditions... most of the time they only need about 5 hours of strong light to them... so i say plant more... if you have allot of trees... Allways check for those nice spots under tall trees that just happen to get good sun under then at the base... helicopters look for patches of plants cause we are still stupid most of the time... they are totally noticable from up there.. they dont need no ray gun or gogles or non of that shit... it just scream im here... a perfect little patch of same coloring plants... all the same hieght good luck bro:bigjoint:
So far I haven't lost any this year. I usually don't have more than 2 plants near each other. The ground is covered in grass and deer and hog trails everywhere tracking nightmare. I'm going to make a few more planting holes near where the best ones grew this year. Those got a little morning shade before seeing full sun the rest of the day. And the closest to the creek.



Well-Known Member
So far I haven't lost any this year. I usually don't have more than 2 plants near each other. The ground is covered in grass and deer and hog trails everywhere tracking nightmare. I'm going to make a few more planting holes near where the best ones grew this year. Those got a little morning shade before seeing full sun the rest of the day. And the closest to the creek.
dude i feel like that morning sun is crucial ... during the night at the end of the cycle they get pretty wet at night..and cold... they need that morning sun... :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I agree the morning sun is good for them. They usually have some by 9 am there. I have more places picked out that will see the sunrise come up on them. I'm gonna try to have them ready to set out and go early this spring. The worst part of guerrila growing are the losses. Plan on lots of them get eaten by deer rabbits bugs pigs, trampled or rooted up, termites, grasshoppers, catapillars, drought, hail, hunters, thieves and just about anything you can imagine.

I finished out a few plants from the skunk area. The deer had moved in and ate the colas so all I got was some side buds. Let them hang dry for 4 days then trimmed and canned. All I got was one jar, barely. I guess the dam deer got more than me. LOL, I'll be looking for him come November.
Also checked on my cure stash and they are really mellowing out. They smell good and are getting the darker cured look to them now. The red hairs are nice and thick. It's been about 3 weeks I believe so another couple and they should be ripe. yum, LOL



Well-Known Member
Dude thats just great... i guess if you see it that way you will be happy... I mean as i was reading it peace came on to me.. or maybe it was my blueberry anyway.. really thats awesome pics there and a good guerrilla growing perspective...


Well-Known Member
I went out this morning and ran across a few shrooms. It looks like a was an afternoon late since the heavy dew and light rain. I found more that had already started to die off. So I'll clean these up and get them drying. It's been a few weeks since I tripped on them. And last summer Cruefest at Dallas was a hoot. Found a nice place on the grass and spread our blanket. While listening to Trapt I washed down 12g dry and smoked a joint. SixxAM played and I could feel the trip creeping over me. By the time PapaRoach played I was in the zone and BuckCherry was just madness. By the time Motley Crue played I had pretty well got things sorted out but would still have streaks of confusion and wandering. I'm sure glad I had a designated driver that night.:roll:

Anyway, enough about that I need to go clean these shrooms so they can start drying.



Well-Known Member
Slab your trips stories out to your grow are the bomb! Pigs, snakes etc. lol. Your plants are looking great. GD deer! I hope you bag it in Nov. It is so cool you can grow next to the river. I use to think it was a real haul to your other site having to haul in all the water and stuff. Was also laughing at the acorns and genfranco on the sounds of night while high, lol.


Well-Known Member
Thanks to all who've visited. Last year was very rewarding but the best is yet to come. I'll be starting a new journal for 2009 with fresh new pics of the endeavor.
BTW, I killed that sumbitch deer right near where he'd been partaking of the cola. That's the best venison I've had in years. In fact got some chili cooking up right now. mmm mmm. herb & chili on a cold day, that's livin folks.



New Member
LMFAO!.. lol i hate those weedmunching, stomp your plants deer.. when i seen that pic i was'nt sure what it was.. then i read about killin it.. Lmao.. thats halarious.. i'm assuming you ate some of it... anyways, if it was possible for me to kill them.. without wasting it.. then i would.. but we got the same group of deer for atleast the last 3 yrs.. thiers not that many.. max 10 in the whole forested area.. anyways... im rambling ...... i thought that was jokes.. i almost fell outta my chair laughing at that... LoL...