sleeper's grow journal


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, this is probably my 6th or 7th grow. I've only grown for personal but always come up short between grows and am left with the usual swag that comes around. So... with this grow I am hoping to get 1+ lbs. I did some of the worst clones i've ever taken but did end up with a few making it. Blueberry (was given to me from a friend in clone), 420 (friend brought seeds back for me from VSB), and also new to me is the New York City Diesel (was given to me in clone). I also just got some seeds from Bidzbay that are supposed to be Jillybean by Subcool. I am really looking forward to try this one out as well. I know some of you are probably thinking that I should probably stick to one strain at a time. Maybe you're right but like I said everything is going to be smoked by friends or family... and me.

It's Feb. 3, 2009
Starting with 10 small clones - 4 x 420, and the rest are either blueberry or diesel... i'm not sure and really should have just labeled them at the start.
There are also 5 Jillybean seeds that have been germinated and hopefully we'll get a keeper out of one of them. These + small clones are kept under 8 23w cfl's.
I also have 3 NYCD that I have been vegging for awhile... like a month maybe... under 4 4' 40w flouro's. I had topped them early and recently used mechanical wire to try and train them. Really going to try and control the canopy on this grow, there's going to be lots of staking.... or I was thinking of using racks that go into the ground around the plants.

For now everything will stay vegging, I plan to top the small clones and the jillybean early to try and keep everything short and with multiple heads. I am waiting to finish the few plants that are in my flower room at the moment. When they are done it will be cleaned and wiped and sprayed and I was wanting to veg these under the 1000w hps for awhile before switching to 12/12.

I have never kept any records before this and will be trying to keep feedings recorded with water pH and ppm. Along with anything else that I can think of along the way.



Well-Known Member
hey man are you ever going to update lol
I would post daily but what am I really going to tell you... I guess that all five of the Jillybean seeds have come through the soil within the first 2 days of being buried. It really took no time at all for these to germinate and sprout through the soil.

I am planning on using 3.5 L pots with a mix of Sunshine #2 and #4, I have leftovers so I'll just mix the two together.

Won't see much other than maintaining and watching them grow for awhile. It's going to be a slow start but I predict big things in the end.


Well-Known Member
Feb. 19, 2009 - hey all, little update on this thread. So, I was waiting for my flower room to finish so that I could push a shit load of plants in there, well i cancelled that idea. Instead, I moved the three NYCD??? plants into the flower room since they had been vegging for some time and had been topped and trained for *hopefully* max canopy coverage. Out of the other plants everything was axed that was in clone form to leave room for the 5 Jillybean seeds that I want to grow out. They are under CFL's right now and have been for awhile... just not happy with the growth I've been getting. I do have a 400w MH sitting around just haven't hooked it up since this is a closet that i'm vegging in so heat would become an issue real quick. Preferrably would like to veg out the Jilly's to around a foot then do LST and veg for another couple weeks before switching over to flower. Time is all i have and watching them doesn't seem to make them grow faster so guess i'm just going to wait.