SLH in final weeks - insight needed


Well-Known Member
So, I have a pretty good-sized SLH in the final stages of bloom (10th week). It's on its 6th day of flush.

I cut the N wayyy too drastically earlier in bloom though and at this point all the "non-bud" leaves are yellow and turning crispy. The fault of mine here clearly is a lack of N and slow action on my part to remedy it. As a result, the damaged leaves are pretty much dead.

With very few healthy leaves left to photosynthesize the light, things are pretty much at a standstill.

What are my best options here?

Should I cut the dead leaves to ease wasted energy, harvest in a few days as is in order to not lose thc to cbd, let it go for another few weeks and hope that the remaining leaves can supply (literally, there are like 5 or 6) what's needed or ......?

Any help is appreciated.

Side note:
I don't have any pics, but it was FIM'd and turned into 6 tops (of which 4 are dominant) and is about 4ft tall - so it would be a shame if I can't do anything to better the situation.